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HENKEL, one of the world leaders in chemical industry, has opted for Alcatel equipment to construct its telecom network.

In 2004 INTERSYST gained the tender and signed an agreement for upgrading HENKEL-Pemos telecom network in Perm. The structured cabling system (SCS) based on NEXANS equipment, the LAN based on CISCO equipment as well as the private voice switching system based on Alcatel OmniPCX Enterprise telecom server were designed and installed in the framework of the agreement. The conference feature was fulfilled along with the basic features of the server.

In 2005-2006 INTERSYST experts upgraded all the network components in the context of the entire expansion of company’s production facilities and company’s telecom network was integrated into HENKEL private network via VoIP based on the similar Alcatel equipment.

In 2010 INTERSYST-Service upgraded the main software of the company’s telecommunication network and Omni Vista application.

In 2011 the Henkel and INTERSYST companies are planning to continue their cooperation in designing and upgrading the telecommunication structure of the enterprise.