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Входящий SIP-вызов на OXE 9.1 (502 bad gateway)
Перебором нашёл станцию OXE, на которую вызов проходит! Чудеса какие-то: инвайты одинаковые а поведение станций абсолютно разное. Пытался сравнивать конфиги - одно и тоже и по транк группам, и по external gateway и по префиксам...
Подскажите, куда дальше копать в системе? Где зарыты точечные настройки SIP? Как посмотреть, что происходит внутри этого sipmotor при обработке  INVITE?
Переход на летнее/зимнее время
etc пишет:
Это не патч в обычном смысле, это хотфикс.
Да, действительно хотфикс (патч для линукса) и он, действительно, работает. Спасибо!
Входящий SIP-вызов на OXE 9.1 (502 bad gateway)
etc, Там я тоже уже многослойно копался. В принципе, я тоже больше грешу на CCM, но тут ведь и вопрос, а почему Алкатель отбивает сообщением 502 Bad Gateway, независимо даже от того, кто и что ему прислал.
На другие станцим звонить можно.
Изменено: skipper - 21.11.2011 19:22:05
Входящий SIP-вызов на OXE 9.1 (502 bad gateway)
error, всё верно, если звонок идёт в SIP. Для OXE есть ещё сет ABC-F параллельно. Для SIP-шлюзов и сторонних станций - только SIP.
Входящий SIP-вызов на OXE 9.1 (502 bad gateway)
Да, это Cisco Unified SIP Proxy: на неё собраны все транковые группы всех станций в сети.
Входящий SIP-вызов на OXE 9.1 (502 bad gateway)
error, Это SIP-прокси.
Входящий SIP-вызов на OXE 9.1 (502 bad gateway)
etc, error, А мне кажется, схемка была бы полезна.

Изменено: skipper - 21.11.2011 16:28:55
Входящий SIP-вызов на OXE 9.1 (502 bad gateway)
error, нет, пусто абсолютно.
Входящий SIP-вызов на OXE 9.1 (502 bad gateway)
vad, Сам об этом подумал, серваки, действительно, дублированные. Базы ровные, баскулом не баловался давно, могу сделать мастеркопи. Но на недублированных серваках точно такая же ошибка в том же месте. Скорее всего, проблема не в этом.
Входящий SIP-вызов на OXE 9.1 (502 bad gateway)
vad, При ABC-F транк группе можно использовать рутинг префикс, который не отрежется. А так разницы нет. Я не говорил, что это плохой вариант, я говорил, что он также не работает:)

Мне вот кажется, что проблема кроется где-то (если по первому трейсу смотреть) в строчках после TRYING и до Server Failure, но я не могу понять где, я как это выяснить.
Входящий SIP-вызов на OXE 9.1 (502 bad gateway)
error, а у меня номрально работают две OXE, даже разных версий. Проблема наступает, когда на OXE приходит INVITE от CCM (прошедший через прокси).
Входящий SIP-вызов на OXE 9.1 (502 bad gateway)
error, не, смеяться не буду:) node33 - это Cisco CallManager 4.1 (со времени его выпуска, действительно, очень много воды утекло и патчей/версий/релизов вышло), но обновить я его не могу.
Входящий SIP-вызов на OXE 9.1 (502 bad gateway)
error, От dns отказаться не могу (придётся тогда оставить SIP-прокси без резервирования). Правда это касается только полей Request-URI и To. Можно отказаться от "node33" для поля From и перевести его в IP, но это ж только belonging domain для внешнего SIP-gateway и не более. К тому же Алкатель на Алкатель нормально вызывает с таким именем.
Входящий SIP-вызов на OXE 9.1 (502 bad gateway)
etc, Поможет и даже будет работать. Но это плохой вариант: слишком много станций в сети. Собственно, для унификации и централизации управления SIP прокси и используется.

Dmitry Ryzhakov, они не одинаковые, но очень похожие. А вот процесс и результат поиска, действительно, такой же. Вот трейс: удачного вызова (на поле To не обращайте внимание, так надо):
** UNIX-trace-daemon started ... (static user group No 1) **

traced started ...
INVITE sip:9341333@;user=phone;transport=udp SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKQsDAoqFjZNu56d4.S1mokg~~96
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKd8f3330c3a6241158e07fd08748162ec
Max-Forwards: 69
To: <sip:49341333@sip-cluster.fssp;user=phone>
From: "Service Adygeya" <sip:9011666@node01;user=phone>;tag=931b3b3e8f06acfc04f86843e0521f76
Contact: <sip:9011666@;transport=udp>
Call-ID: d8bfed80114fa6e92ca3cf9f0570d17c@
CSeq: 966424859 INVITE
Content-Length: 282
Supported: replaces,timer,100rel
User-Agent: OmniPCX Enterprise R9.1 i1.605.25
Session-Expires: 1800;refresher=uac
Min-SE: 900
P-Asserted-Identity: "Service Adygeya" <sip:9011666@node01;user=phone>
Content-Type: application/sdp

o=OXE 1321856208 1321856208 IN IP4
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 32514 RTP/AVP 18 8 97
a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000
a=fmtp:18 annexb=no
a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
a=rtpmap:97 telephone-event/8000

1321856216 -> D3 [CRequest::CRequest] Creation of a request (RECEIVED FROM NETWORK)
1321856216 -> [CIOCom::receiveRequest] Received CRequest D3 ref=1
1321856216 -> [CIOCom::checkHostInBlackList] host=
1321856216 -> [CIOCom::checkHostInBlackList] host=
1321856216 -> [CIOCom::receiveRequest] rport1 not empty 
1321856216 -> [CDispatcher::onIncomingRequest()]
1321856216 -> [CDispatcher::processRequestFromManagerIndex()] start at index 0
1321856216 ->  102 [CCallManager::onIncomingRequest()]
1321856216 -> [CMotorCallManager::callFactory] For call : d8bfed80114fa6e92ca3cf9f0570d17c@
1321856216 -> [CMotorCall :: CMotorCall()] Oxe_Version_Name = OmniPCX Enterprise R9.1 i1.605.16 
1321856216 -> [CMotorCallManager::callFactory]=98c9ed0.
1321856216 -> 1158 [CCall::receiveRequest] INVITE
1321856216 -> 1158 [CCall::getDialog] Confirmed Dialog is not found (ID = ;931b3b3e8f06acfc04f86843e0521f76)
1321856216 -> 1158 [CCall::getDialog] Initial Dialog Server not found
1321856216 -> 1560 [CDialog::receiveRequest]
1321856216 -> 1560 [CDialog::receiveInviteRequest]
1321856216 -> 218b [CTransaction::changeState] STATE CHANGED TO INITIAL
1321856216 -> 218b [CTransaction::changeState] notifying the parent dialog
1321856216 -> 1560 [CDialog::onTransactionState(pTrans = 218b, previousState = Terminated, currentState = Initial, reason = None]
1321856216 -> 218b [CTransInitialState::receiveRequest] Transaction changes to Proceeding state
1321856216 -> 218b [CTransaction::changeState] STATE CHANGED TO PROCEEDING
1321856216 -> 218b [CTransaction::changeState] notifying the parent dialog
1321856216 -> 1560 [CDialog::onTransactionState(pTrans = 218b, previousState = Initial, currentState = Proceeding, reason = Request reception]
1321856216 -> 218b [CTransProceedingState::createResponse] CResponse 114 ref=1
1321856216 -> 114 [CMessage::send] sip_sendMessage (
1321856216 -> SEND MESSAGE TO NETWORK ( [UDP]) (BUFF LEN = 408)
SIP/2.0 100 Trying
To: <sip:49341333@sip-cluster.fssp;user=phone>
From: "Service Adygeya" <sip:9011666@node01;user=phone>;tag=931b3b3e8f06acfc04f86843e0521f76
Call-ID: d8bfed80114fa6e92ca3cf9f0570d17c@
CSeq: 966424859 INVITE
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKQsDAoqFjZNu56d4.S1mokg~~96
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKd8f3330c3a6241158e07fd08748162ec
Content-Length: 0

1321856216 -> 1560 [CDialog::receiveInviteRequest]  a new Server INVITE transaction is in progress
1321856216 -> [CSessionTimerContext::CSessionTimerContext] New CSessionTimerContext from request (Server, UA)
1321856216 -> [CSessionTimerContext::updateAfterRefreshReception] Upd ate CSessionTimerContext (refresh reception)
1321856216 -> [CSessionTimerContext::updateSupported] Request timer supported 
1321856216 -> [CSessionTimerContext::updateMinSE] Min-SE updated : 900
1321856216 -> [CSessionTimerContext::updateSessionExpires] header value : 1800
1321856216 -> [CSessionTimerContext::updateSessionExpires] updated
1321856216 -> [CSessionTimerContext::updateSessionExpires] Refresher updated : r
1321856216 -> [CSessionTimerContext::updateSessionExpires] Session-Expires updated : 1800
1321856216 -> [CSessionTimerContext::setRefreshMethod] Allow refreshMethod=UPDATE
1321856216 -> 1560 [CDialog::addTransaction] added transaction 218b with branch z9hG4bKQsDAoqFjZNu56d4.S1mokg~~96, with CSeq 966424859
1321856216 -> 1158 [CCall::checkAuthentication] INVITE
1321856216 -> 1158[CMotorCall::controlAuthentication] ---*--- AUTH ---*--- Control authentication
1321856216 -> [CGwMngDat a::isAuthenticationRequiredForThisClient] node01 .
1321856216 -> [isDomainFromGwExt] Host from request is : node01.
1321856216 -> [isDomainFromGwExt] User from request is : 9011666
1321856216 -> [domain not from an External Gateway.
1321856216 -> 1158[CMotorCall::setFilterUsedMode] To be traced = 0
1321856216 -> [getFromHeader].
1321856216 -> [isUserDeclared] 9011666@node01
1321856216 -> isUserDeclared] NOT found in the dictionnary.
1321856216 -> [isSeplosStation] other station 
1321856216 -> 1158[CMotorCall::toGatewayOrProxy] request for proxydomain=
1321856216 -> [isUserRegistred] getRegistration=9341333.
1321856216 -> [isUserRegistred] result=-1.
1321856216 -> 1158[CMotorCall::onReceiveRequest] request for gateway.
1321856216 -> 1158[CMotorCall::onReceiveRequest] state = INITIAL_STATE.
1321856216 -> 1158[CMotorCall::methodInviteReceived] nb available licenses=30 .
1321856216 -> [isUserDeclared] 9011666@node01
1321856216 -> isUserDeclared] NOT found in the dictionnary.
1321856216 -> 1158[CMotorCall::compareDialogFromContext] presumed to be the same Dialog
1321856216 -> 1158[CMotorCall::methodInviteReceived] Invite => update the inviteContext.
1321856216 -> [CForkedBranch::CForkedBranch] context = 0x98ca300.
1321856216 ->         [CForkedBranch::reqUriDuplication] reqUri :sip:9011666@;transport=udp
1321856216 -> 1158[CMotorCall::methodInviteReceived] CAC = 0 
1321856216 -> [receiveInviteMessage] Call: d8bfed80114fa6e92ca3cf9f0570d17c@ eqt: -1 INITIAL_STATE received a message.
1321856216 -> [decodeInviteCLIR].
1321856216 -> [receiveInviteMessage] UPDATE present in Allow header
1321856216 -> [receiveInviteMessage] INFO present in Allow header
1321856216 -> [isDomainFromGwExt] Host from request is : node01.
1321856216 -> [isDomainFromGwExt] User from request is : 9011666
1321856216 ->  am_I_PCS SCSWorking : NO
1321856216 ->  check_PCSstate 
1321856216 ->  am_I_PCS SCSWorking : NO
1321856216 ->  check_PCSstate stat of PCS  is : -1
1321856216 -> [isSessionTimerTooSmall].
1321856216 -> 1158[CMotorCall::analyseSessionTimer] exit with  uacGatewayMode=0 uacRefresher=1.
1321856216 -> [decodeInviteSDP].
1321856216 -> [checkSdpValidity] Sdp contains 1 media description(s).
1321856216 -> [checkSdpValidity] Media 0 type 1 contains 3 formats.
1321856216 -> [checkSdpValidity] Format : 18.
1321856216 -> [convertSdpIntoTsdp] Sdp contains 1 media description(s).
1321856216 -> [convertSdpIntoTsdp] No Direction in the session part.
1321856216 -> [convertSdpIntoTsdp] Check the direction in Session part - result:0.
1321856216 -> [convertSdpIntoTsdp] The audio media contains  3 format(s).
1321856216 -> [convertSdpIntoTsdp] Format 0 is 18.
1321856216 -> [convertSdpIntoTsdp] Format 1 is 8.
1321856216 -> [convertSdpIntoTsdp] Format 2 is 97.
1321856216 -> [convertSdpIntoTsdp] Get the direction.
1321856216 -> [convertSdpIntoTsdp] Direction is sendrecv.
1321856216 -> [convertSdpIntoTsdp] The connection is at session level.
1321856216 -> [convertSdpIntoTsdp] Connection address retrieved in sdp:
1321856216 -> [convertIPStrIntoTuipv] =>
1321856216 -> [receiveInviteMessage] NO  100rel REQUIRED for this call.
1321856216 -> [isCACWithInvalidMediaAddr].
1321856216 -> [decodeInviteTo].
1321856216 -> [decodeInviteReferredBy].
1321856216 -> [decodeInviteACSBU].
1321856216 -> 1158[CMotorCall::setFilterUsedMode] To be traced = 0
1321856216 -> 1158[emitEventToMonitel] content size (lginfo): 656
1321856216 -> [ipc_thread] IPC Thread : Ipc reception 2432.
1321856216 -> [ipc_thread] IPC Thread : TCL thread signaled.
1321856216 -> [CMotorCallManager::insertCallwithEqt] CMotorCall 1241 inserted.
1321856216 -> 1158[sendLgEvtSipCreate] Event sent on eqt : 1241
1321856216 -> 1158[CMotorCall::getOutgoingCall] outgoingCall:0
1321856216 -> 1158 [CCall::getCallDuplicationData]
1321856216 -> [CViaSetSerializer::copy] Added via 7c25 at index 0
1321856216 -> [CViaSetSerializer::copy] Added via 7c26 at index 1
1321856216 -> 1158 [CCall::getCallDuplicationData] : Request URI = sip:9341333@;user=phone;transport=udp, Call ID = d8bfed80114fa6e92ca3cf9f0570d17c@, Local URI = sip:49341333@sip-cluster.fssp;user=phone, Local Tag = , Remote URI = sip:9011666@node01;user=phone, Remote Tag = 931b3b3e8f06acfc04f86843e0521f76, Local CSeq = 927150112, Remote CSeq = 966424859 
1321856216 -> [CViaSetSerializer::serialize] Serialized via set : ViaSerialize=Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKQsDAoqFjZNu56d4.S1mokg~~96,Via=Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKd8f3330c3a6241158e07fd08748162ec
1321856216 -> SendToSipgwCpuSec: Message sent to the STAND-BY CPU
1321856216 -> [receiveInviteMessage] send RemoteSdp to the StandBy.
1321856216 -> SendToSipgwCpuSec: Message sent to the STAND-BY CPU
1321856216 -> [exec_ipc] in 2431.
1321856216 -> [display_ipc_in] ------------ Begin ---------------
1321856216 -> neqt : 1241 Id : -1
1321856216 -> INFORMATIONAL
1321856216 -> xx :       80
1321856216 -> [display_ipc_in] ------------- End ----------------
1321856216 -> [CMotorCallManager::onIncomingEvent] an event 10764 arrived on the eqt 1241--1.
1321856216 -> [CMotorCallManager::onIncomingEvent] state = PROCEEDING_STATE.
1321856216 -> [onIncomingEvent] INFORMATIONAL arrived.
1321856216 -> [receiveInformationalEvent] Call: d8bfed80114fa6e92ca3cf9f0570d17c@ eqt: 1241 PROCEEDING_STATE received an event.
1321856216 -> 1158 [CCall::makeGenericResponse] 180
1321856216 -> 1158 [CCall::getDialog] Confirmed Dialog is not found (ID = ;931b3b3e8f06acfc04f86843e0521f76)
1321856216 -> 1158 [CCall::getDialog] Returning Initial Dialog Server
1321856216 -> 1560 [CDialog::createResponse] 180
1321856216 -> 218b [CTransProceedingState::createResponse] CResponse 115 ref=1
1321856216 -> 115 [CMessage::send] sip_sendMessage (
1321856216 -> SEND MESSAGE TO NETWORK ( [UDP]) (BUFF LEN = 600)
SIP/2.0 180 Ringing
Contact: sip:
User-Agent: OmniPCX Enterprise R9.1 i1.605.16
To: <sip:49341333@sip-cluster.fssp;user=phone>;tag=ec9f8dc978ada343355d172ab8cbe0f4
From: "Service Adygeya" <sip:9011666@node01;user=phone>;tag=931b3b3e8f06acfc04f86843e0521f76
Call-ID: d8bfed80114fa6e92ca3cf9f0570d17c@
CSeq: 966424859 INVITE
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKQsDAoqFjZNu56d4.S1mokg~~96
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKd8f3330c3a6241158e07fd08748162ec
Content-Length: 0

1321856216 -> 114 [~CResponse] resp(100) d8bfed80114fa6e92ca3cf9f0570d17c@ 966424859 INVITE
1321856216 -> 1560 [CDialog::updateRouteSet] there are 0 record-route headers
1321856216 -> [receiveInformationalEvent] UpdateContext send on the StandBy.
1321856216 -> 1158 [CCall::getCallDuplicationData]
1321856216 -> [CViaSetSerializer::copy] Added via 7c2d at index 0
1321856216 -> [CViaSetSerializer::copy] Added via 7c2e at index 1
1321856216 -> 1158 [CCall::getCallDuplicationData] : Request URI = sip:9341333@;user=phone;transport=udp, Call ID = d8bfed80114fa6e92ca3cf9f0570d17c@, Local URI = sip:49341333@sip-cluster.fssp;user=phone, Local Tag = ec9f8dc978ada343355d172ab8cbe0f4, Remote URI = sip:9011666@node01;user=phone, Remote Tag = 931b3b3e8f06acfc04f86843e0521f76, Local CSeq = 927150112, Remote CSeq = 966424859 
1321856216 -> [CViaSetSerializer::serialize] Serialized via set : ViaSerialize=Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKQsDAoqFjZNu56d4.S1mokg~~96,Via=Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKd8f3330c3a6241158e07fd08748162ec
1321856216 -> [CRouteSet::serialize] Serialized route set : Contact=sip:9011666@;transport=udp
1321856216 -> SendToSipgwCpuSec: Message sent to the STAND-BY CPU
1321856216 -> [exec_ipc] in end 2431.
CANCEL sip:9341333@;user=phone;transport=udp SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKQsDAoqFjZNu56d4.S1mokg~~96
Max-Forwards: 70
To: <sip:49341333@sip-cluster.fssp;user=phone>
From: "Service Adygeya" <sip:9011666@node01;user=phone>;tag=931b3b3e8f06acfc04f86843e0521f76
Call-ID: d8bfed80114fa6e92ca3cf9f0570d17c@
CSeq: 966424859 CANCEL
Content-Length: 0


1321856217 -> D4 [CRequest::CRequest] Creation of a request (RECEIVED FROM NETWORK)
1321856217 -> [CIOCom::receiveRequest] Received CRequest D4 ref=1
1321856217 -> [CIOCom::checkHostInBlackList] host=
1321856217 -> [CIOCom::checkHostInBlackList] host=
1321856217 -> [CIOCom::receiveRequest] rport1 not empty 
1321856217 -> [CDispatcher::onIncomingRequest()]
1321856217 -> [CDispatcher::processRequestFromManagerIndex()] start at index 0
1321856217 ->  102 [CCallManager::onIncomingRequest()]
1321856217 -> 1158 [CCall::receiveRequest] CANCEL
1321856217 -> 1158 [CCall::getDialog] Confirmed Dialog is not found (ID = ;931b3b3e8f06acfc04f86843e0521f76)
1321856217 -> 1158 [CCall::getDialog] Returning Initial Dialog Server
1321856217 -> 1560 [CDialog::receiveRequest]
1321856217 -> 1560 [CDialog::receiveCancelRequest]
1321856217 -> 218c [CTransaction::changeState] STATE CHANGED TO INITIAL
1321856217 -> 218c [CTransaction::changeState] notifying the parent dialog
1321856217 -> 1560 [CDialog::onTransactionState(pTrans = 218c, previousState = Terminated, currentState = Initial, reason = None]
1321856217 -> 218c [CTransInitialState::receiveRequest] Transaction changes to Trying state
1321856217 -> 218c [CTransaction::changeState] STATE CHANGED TO TRYING
1321856217 -> 218c [CTransaction::changeState] notifying the parent dialog
1321856217 -> 1560 [CDialog::onTransactionState(pTrans = 218c, previousState = Initial, currentState = Trying, reason = Request reception]
1321856217 -> 1158 [CCall::checkAuthentication] CANCEL
1321856217 -> 1158[CMotorCall::controlAuthentication] ---*--- AUTH ---*--- Control authentication
1321856217 -> 1158[CMotorCall::controlAuthentication] ---*--- END ---*--- Control authentication
1321856217 -> [getFromHeader].
1321856217 -> [isUserDeclared] 9011666@node01
1321856217 -> isUserDeclared] NOT found in the dictionnary.
1321856217 -> [isSeplosStation] other station 
1321856217 -> 1158[CMotorCall::toGatewayOrProxy] request for proxydomain=
1321856217 -> [isUserRegistred] getRegistration=9341333.
1321856217 -> [isUserRegistred] result=-1.
1321856217 -> 1158[CMotorCall::onReceiveRequest] request for gateway.
1321856217 -> 1158[CMotorCall::onReceiveRequest] state = PROCEEDING_STATE.
1321856217 -> [receiveCancelMessage] Call: d8bfed80114fa6e92ca3cf9f0570d17c@ eqt: 1241 PROCEEDING_STATE received a message.
1321856217 -> 1158[emitEventToMonitel] content size (lginfo): 656
1321856217 -> 1158[emitEventToMonitel] CAC = 0 eqtCAC = -1 
1321856217 -> 1158[emitEventToMonitel] CAC = 0 
1321856217 -> [ipc_thread] IPC Thread : Ipc reception 2432.
1321856217 -> [ipc_thread] IPC Thread : TCL thread signaled.
1321856217 -> [sendLgEvtSip] Event sent on eqt : 1241 Id :-1
1321856217 -> [display_ipc_out] ------------ Begin ---------------
1321856217 -> Id : -1
1321856217 -> CANCEL
1321856217 -> [display_ipc_out] ------------- End ----------------
1321856217 -> [exec_ipc] in 2431.
1321856217 -> [display_ipc_in] ------------ Begin ---------------
1321856217 -> neqt : 1241 Id : -1
1321856217 -> SUCCESSFUL
1321856217 -> xx :        0
1321856217 -> CLIR : 0
1321856217 -> COLP : 0
1321856217 -> [display_ipc_in] ------------- End ----------------
1321856217 -> [CMotorCallManager::onIncomingEvent] an event 10765 arrived on the eqt 1241--1.
1321856217 -> [CMotorCallManager::onIncomingEvent] state = PROCEEDING_STATE.
1321856217 -> [onIncomingEvent] SUCCESSFUL arrived.
1321856217 -> [onIncomingEvent] relative_request = 10756
1321856217 -> [CProceedingState::receiveSuccessfulEvent] Call: d8bfed80114fa6e92ca3cf9f0570d17c@ eqt: 1241 PROCEEDING_STATE received an event.
1321856217 -> 1158 [CCall::findFirstServerTrans]
1321856217 -> 1560 [CCall::findFirstServerTrans]
1321856217 -> 1560 [CDialog::findFirstServerTrans] Current Request in cancelTransactionMap
1321856217 -> 1158 [CCall::makeGenericResponse] 200
1321856217 -> 1158 [CCall::getDialog] Confirmed Dialog is not found (ID = ;931b3b3e8f06acfc04f86843e0521f76)
1321856217 -> 1158 [CCall::getDialog] Returning Initial Dialog Server
1321856217 -> 1560 [CDialog::createResponse] 200
1321856217 -> 218c [CTransTryingState::createResponse] CResponse 116 ref=1
1321856217 -> 116 [CMessage::send] sip_sendMessage (
1321856217 -> SEND MESSAGE TO NETWORK ( [UDP]) (BUFF LEN = 411)
SIP/2.0 200 OK
Supported: replaces,timer,100rel
User-Agent: OmniPCX Enterprise R9.1 i1.605.16
To: <sip:49341333@sip-cluster.fssp;user=phone>
From: "Service Adygeya" <sip:9011666@node01;user=phone>;tag=931b3b3e8f06acfc04f86843e0521f76
Call-ID: d8bfed80114fa6e92ca3cf9f0570d17c@
CSeq: 966424859 CANCEL
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKQsDAoqFjZNu56d4.S1mokg~~96
Content-Length: 0

1321856217 -> 218c [CTransTryingState::createResponse] Final : Transaction changes to Completed state
1321856217 -> 218c [CTransaction::changeState] STATE CHANGED TO COMPLETED
1321856217 -> 218c [CTransaction::changeState] notifying the parent dialog
1321856217 -> 1560 [CDialog::onTransactionState(pTrans = 218c, previousState = Trying, currentState = Completed, reason = Final resp creation]
1321856217 -> 218c [CTransaction::startTimer] Timer J is started (delay = 32000 ms)
1321856217 -> 1560 [CDialog::updateRouteSet] there are 0 record-route headers
1321856217 -> [exec_ipc] in end 2431.
1321856217 -> [ipc_thread] IPC Thread : Ipc reception 2432.
1321856217 -> [ipc_thread] IPC Thread : TCL thread signaled.
1321856217 -> [exec_ipc] in 2431.
1321856217 -> [display_ipc_in] ------------ Begin ---------------
1321856217 -> neqt : 1241 Id : -1
1321856217 -> REQUEST FAILURE
1321856217 -> xx :       87
1321856217 -> [display_ipc_in] ------------- End ----------------
1321856217 -> [CMotorCallManager::onIncomingEvent] an event 10767 arrived on the eqt 1241--1.
1321856217 -> [CMotorCallManager::onIncomingEvent] state = PROCEEDING_STATE.
1321856217 -> [onIncomingEvent] REQUEST FAILURE arrived.
1321856217 -> [receiveRequestFailureEvent] Call: d8bfed80114fa6e92ca3cf9f0570d17c@ eqt: 1241 PROCEEDING_STATE received an event.
1321856217 -> 1158[CMotorCall::getOutgoingCall] outgoingCall:0
1321856217 -> [receiveRequestFailureEvent] incoming call.
1321856217 -> 1158 [CCall::makeGenericResponse] 487
1321856217 -> 1158 [CCall::getDialog] Confirmed Dialog is not found (ID = ec9f8dc978ada343355d172ab8cbe0f4;931b3b3e8f06acfc04f86843e0521f76)
1321856217 -> 1158 [CCall::getDialog] Returning Initial Dialog Server
1321856217 -> 1560 [CDialog::createResponse] 487
1321856217 -> 218b [CTransProceedingState::createResponse] CResponse 117 ref=1
1321856217 -> 117 [CMessage::send] sip_sendMessage (
1321856217 -> SEND MESSAGE TO NETWORK ( [UDP]) (BUFF LEN = 587)
SIP/2.0 487 Request Terminated
User-Agent: OmniPCX Enterprise R9.1 i1.605.16
To: <sip:49341333@sip-cluster.fssp;user=phone>;tag=ec9f8dc978ada343355d172ab8cbe0f4
From: "Service Adygeya" <sip:9011666@node01;user=phone>;tag=931b3b3e8f06acfc04f86843e0521f76
Call-ID: d8bfed80114fa6e92ca3cf9f0570d17c@
CSeq: 966424859 INVITE
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKQsDAoqFjZNu56d4.S1mokg~~96
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKd8f3330c3a6241158e07fd08748162ec
Content-Length: 0

1321856217 -> 115 [~CResponse] resp(180) d8bfed80114fa6e92ca3cf9f0570d17c@ 966424859 INVITE
1321856217 -> 218b [CTransProceedingState::createResponse] Final : Transaction changes to Completed state
1321856217 -> 218b [CTransaction::changeState] STATE CHANGED TO COMPLETED
1321856217 -> 218b [CTransaction::changeState] notifying the parent dialog
1321856217 -> 1560 [CDialog::onTransactionState(pTrans = 218b, previousState = Proceeding, currentState = Completed, reason = Final resp creation]
1321856217 -> 218b [CTransaction::startTimer] Timer G is started (delay = 500 ms)
1321856217 -> 218b [CTransaction::startTimer] Timer H is started (delay = 32000 ms)
1321856217 -> 1560 [CDialog::updateRouteSet] there are 0 record-route headers
1321856217 -> SendToSipgwCpuSec: Message sent to the STAND-BY CPU
1321856217 -> [exec_ipc] in end 2431.
ACK sip:9341333@;user=phone;transport=udp SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKQsDAoqFjZNu56d4.S1mokg~~96
Max-Forwards: 70
To: <sip:49341333@sip-cluster.fssp;user=phone>;tag=ec9f8dc978ada343355d172ab8cbe0f4
From: "Service Adygeya" <sip:9011666@node01;user=phone>;tag=931b3b3e8f06acfc04f86843e0521f76
Call-ID: d8bfed80114fa6e92ca3cf9f0570d17c@
CSeq: 966424859 ACK
Content-Length: 0


1321856217 -> D5 [CRequest::CRequest] Creation of a request (RECEIVED FROM NETWORK)
1321856217 -> [CIOCom::receiveRequest] Received CRequest D5 ref=1
1321856217 -> [CIOCom::checkHostInBlackList] host=
1321856217 -> [CIOCom::checkHostInBlackList] host=
1321856217 -> [CIOCom::receiveRequest] rport1 not empty 
1321856217 -> [CDispatcher::onIncomingRequest()]
1321856217 -> [CDispatcher::processRequestFromManagerIndex()] start at index 0
1321856217 ->  102 [CCallManager::onIncomingRequest()]
1321856217 -> 1158 [CCall::receiveRequest] ACK
1321856217 -> 1158 [CCall::getDialog] Confirmed Dialog is not found (ID = ec9f8dc978ada343355d172ab8cbe0f4;931b3b3e8f06acfc04f86843e0521f76)
1321856217 -> 1158 [CCall::getDialog] Returning Initial Dialog Server
1321856217 -> 1560 [CDialog::receiveRequest]
1321856217 -> 1560 [CDialog::receiveAckRequest]
1321856217 -> 218b [CTransCompletedState::receiveRequest] ACK(UDP) : Transaction changes to Confirmed state
1321856217 -> 218b [CTransaction::changeState] STATE CHANGED TO CONFIRMED
1321856217 -> 218b [CTransaction::changeState] notifying the parent dialog
1321856217 -> 1560 [CDialog::onTransactionState(pTrans = 218b, previousState = Completed, currentState = Confirmed, reason = Request reception]
1321856217 -> 218b [CTransaction::freeTimerToken] Timer G is freed
1321856217 -> 218b [CTransaction::freeTimerToken] Timer H is freed
1321856217 -> 218b [CTransaction::startTimer] Timer I is started (delay = 5000 ms)
1321856217 -> 1560 [CDialog::receiveAckRequest] receiving an ACK on a previously rejected INVITE
1321856217 -> 1158 [CCall::checkAuthentication] ACK
1321856217 -> 1158[CMotorCall::controlAuthentication] ---*--- AUTH ---*--- Control authentication
1321856217 -> 1158[CMotorCall::controlAuthentication] ---*--- END ---*--- Control authentication
1321856217 -> [getFromHeader].
1321856217 -> [isUserDeclared] 9011666@node01
1321856217 -> isUserDeclared] NOT found in the dictionnary.
1321856217 -> [isSeplosStation] other station 
1321856217 -> 1158[CMotorCall::toGatewayOrProxy] request for proxydomain=
1321856217 -> [isUserRegistred] getRegistration=9341333.
1321856217 -> [isUserRegistred] result=-1.
1321856217 -> 1158[CMotorCall::onReceiveRequest] request for gateway.
1321856217 -> 1158[CMotorCall::onReceiveRequest] state = TERMINATED_STATE.
1321856217 -> 1158[CMotorCall::compareDialogFromContext] same Dialog
1321856217 -> 1158[CMotorCall::methodAckReceived] Ack => update the inviteContext.
1321856217 -> [receiveAckMessage] Call: d8bfed80114fa6e92ca3cf9f0570d17c@ eqt: 1241 TERMINATED_STATE received a message.
1321856217 -> 1158[emitEventToMonitel] content size (lginfo): 656
1321856217 -> 1158[emitEventToMonitel] CAC = 0 eqtCAC = -1 
1321856217 -> 1158[emitEventToMonitel] CAC = 0 
1321856217 -> [ipc_thread] IPC Thread : Ipc reception 2432.
1321856217 -> [ipc_thread] IPC Thread : TCL thread signaled.
1321856217 -> [sendLgEvtSip] Event sent on eqt : 1241 Id :-1
1321856217 -> [display_ipc_out] ------------ Begin ---------------
1321856217 -> Id : -1
1321856217 -> ACK
1321856217 -> [display_ipc_out] ------------- End ----------------
1321856217 -> [exec_ipc] in 2431.
1321856217 -> [display_ipc_in] ------------ Begin ---------------
1321856217 -> neqt : 1241 Id : -1
1321856217 -> SIP EQT RELEASED
1321856217 -> [display_ipc_in] ------------- End ----------------
1321856217 -> [CMotorCallManager::onIncomingEvent] an event 10773 arrived on the eqt 1241--1.
1321856217 -> [CMotorCallManager::onIncomingEvent] The call with eqt: 1241 has released its equipment.
1321856217 -> 1158[CMotorCall::emitSipEqtReleaseAck] SIP_EQT_RELEASE_ACK
1321856217 -> 1158[emitEventToMonitel] content size (lginfo): 656
1321856217 -> 1158[emitEventToMonitel] CAC = 0 eqtCAC = -1 
1321856217 -> 1158[emitEventToMonitel] CAC = 0 
1321856217 -> [sendLgEvtSip] Event sent on eqt : 1241 Id :-1
1321856217 -> [display_ipc_out] ------------ Begin ---------------
1321856217 -> Id : -1
1321856217 -> UNKNOWN MESSAGE
1321856217 -> [display_ipc_out] ------------- End ----------------
1321856217 -> 1158[CMotorCall::unRegister] Remove eqt : 1241 diag : -1 from the map.
1321856217 -> [CMotorCallManager::eraseCallwithEqt] CMotorCall 1241 erased.
1321856217 -> [CMotorCallManager::onIncomingEvent] state = TERMINATED_STATE.
1321856217 -> SendToSipgwCpuSec: Message sent to the STAND-BY CPU
1321856217 -> [CMotorCallManager::onIncomingEvent] killSession.
1321856217 -> 1158 [CCall::killSession]
1321856217 -> 218c [CTransaction::changeState] STATE CHANGED TO TERMINATED
1321856217 -> 218c [CTransaction::freeTimerToken] Timer J is freed
1321856217 -> 218c [CTransaction::changeState] no transaction state, terminated reason : None
1321856217 -> 218b [CTransaction::changeState] STATE CHANGED TO TERMINATED
1321856217 -> 218b [CTransaction::freeTimerToken] Timer I is freed
1321856217 -> 218b [CTransaction::changeState] no transaction state, terminated reason : None
1321856217 -> 1158 [CCall::onKill Session Call manager close is called]
1321856217 -> 1158 [CCall::killSession] notifying the call manager
1321856217 ->  102 [CCallManager::onCallClosed]
1321856217 ->  102 [CCallManager::onCallClosed()] Call 1158 closed. Removing call 160210640 from the maps
1321856217 -> [CMotorCallManager::onNotifyCallClosed] Call : d8bfed80114fa6e92ca3cf9f0570d17c@ is closed.
1321856217 -> [CMotorCallManager::onNotifyCallClosed] Call : d8bfed80114fa6e92ca3cf9f0570d17c@ is closed.
1321856217 -> [CMotorCallManager::onNotifyCallClosed] call processResponse.
1321856217 -> 1158[CMotorCall::processResponse] call chooseBestResponse.
1321856217 -> 1158[CMotorCall::chooseBestResponse] pForkedBranch=0x98ca850 iResponseCode=2000.
1321856217 ->         [CForkedBranch::getResponseCode] response=2000.
1321856217 -> 1158[CMotorCall::chooseBestResponse] next branch.
1321856217 -> 1158[CMotorCall::processResponse] no response found.
1321856217 -> [CMotorCallManager::onNotifyCallClosed] Remove eqt from the map.
1321856217 -> [CCall::onKill] se t callmanager to null
1321856217 -> [exec_ipc] in end 2431.
1321856217 -> [CTransaction::notifyDialog]
1321856217 -> [CTransaction::notifyDialog] notify parent dialog
1321856217 -> 1560 [CDialog::onTransactionState(pTrans = 218c, previousState = null, currentState = Terminated, reason = None]
1321856217 -> 218C [~CTransaction] transaction 966424859 CANCEL
1321856217 -> 116 [~CResponse] resp(200) d8bfed80114fa6e92ca3cf9f0570d17c@ 966424859 CANCEL
1321856217 -> D4 [~CRequest] req d8bfed80114fa6e92ca3cf9f0570d17c@ 966424859 CANCEL
1321856217 -> [CTransaction::notifyDialog]
1321856217 -> [CTransaction::notifyDialog] notify parent dialog
1321856217 -> 1560 [CDialog::onTransactionState(pTrans = 218b, previousState = null, currentState = Terminated, reason = None]
1321856217 -> 1560 [CDialog::onTransactionState] dialog is terminated
1321856217 -> 1560 [CDialog::onTransactionState] onDialogClosed
1321856217 -> 1158 [CCall::onDialogClosed]
1321856217 -> 1158 [CCall::onDialogClosed] only initial *********
1321856217 -> 1158 [CCall::onDialogClosed] All the initial dialogs in the Call are closed
1321856217 -> 218B [~CTransaction] transaction 966424859 INVITE
1321856217 -> D5 [~CRequest] req d8bfed80114fa6e92ca3cf9f0570d17c@ 966424859 ACK
1321856219 -> is_my_node_in_campus false
1321856219 ->  102 [CCallManager::removeGarbage] at index i = 0
1321856219 -> 1158[CMotorCall::~CMotorCall] Call : d8bfed80114fa6e92ca3cf9f0570d17c@ is being destructed.
1321856219 -> 1158 [CCall::~CCall]
1321856219 -> 1158 [CCall::removeGarbage]
1321856219 -> 1560 [CDialog::~CDialog]
1321856219 -> [CSessionTimerContext::~CSessionTimerContext] Free CSessionTimerContext
1321856219 -> 117 [~CResponse] resp(487) d8bfed80114fa6e92ca3cf9f0570d17c@ 966424859 INVITE
1321856219 -> D3 [~CRequest] req d8bfed80114fa6e92ca3cf9f0570d17c@ 966424859 INVITE
Входящий SIP-вызов на OXE 9.1 (502 bad gateway)
Да, я с этого и начинал, манипулируя полями домена и номеров. Это не привело ни к какому результату. Более того, я могу представить трейс точно такого же звонка, инициировавнного с OXE, и там точно такой же lookup происходит с такими же результатами. Видимо, это последствия того, что remote gateway один на все направления принимает звонки без определённого указания домена.
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