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Входящий SIP-вызов на OXE 9.1 (502 bad gateway)
Добрый день!
Подскажите, может, кто сталкивался. Я пытаюсь организовать входящую SIP-связь с CCM 4.1 через SIP-прокси сервер на OXE 9.1. Схема сложная и с преобразованием полей INVITE сообщений. В общем, важно то, что на OXE приходит INVITE и в ответ 502 bad gateway (после TRYING и раздумий), а при такой же схеме вызова с другого OXE или SIP-шлюза в ответ приходит RINGING.
На принимающнй OXE SIP-транк группа ABC-F и внешний gateway.

** UNIX-trace-daemon started ... (static user group No 1) **

traced started ...
INVITE sip:9341333@;user=phone;transport=udp SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKQsDAoqFjZNu56d4.S1mokg~~9
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK478e8f1c
Max-Forwards: 69
To: <sip:9341333@sip-cluster.fssp;user=phone>
From: "Test phone" <sip:9331666@node33;user=phone>;tag=16783129
Contact: <sip:9331666@;transport=udp>
Expires: 180
Remote-Party-ID: "Test phone" <sip:9331666@>;party=calling;screen=no;privacy=off
Call-ID: d2190980-1e21317f-db-409210a@
CSeq: 101 INVITE
Content-Length: 218
Date: Sun, 20 Nov 2011 13:37:44 GMT
Supported: timer
Min-SE: 1800
User-Agent: Cisco-CCM4.1
Allow-Events: telephone-event
Content-Type: application/sdp

o=CiscoSystemsCCM-SIP 2000 1000 IN IP4
s=SIP Call
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 24890 RTP/AVP 8 97
a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
a=rtpmap:97 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:97 0-15

1321792691 -> C8 [CRequest::CRequest] Creation of a request (RECEIVED FROM NETWORK)
1321792691 -> [CIOCom::receiveRequest] Received CRequest C8 ref=1
1321792691 -> [CIOCom::checkHostInBlackList] host=
1321792691 -> [CIOCom::checkHostInBlackList] host=
1321792691 -> [CIOCom::receiveRequest] rport1 not empty 
1321792691 -> [CDispatcher::onIncomingRequest()]
1321792691 -> [CDispatcher::processRequestFromManagerIndex()] start at index 0
1321792691 ->  102 [CCallManager::onIncomingRequest()]
1321792691 -> [CMotorCallManager::callFactory] For call : d2190980-1e21317f-db-409210a@
1321792691 -> [CMotorCall :: CMotorCall()] Oxe_Version_Name = OmniPCX Enterprise R9.1 i1.605.16 
1321792691 -> [CMotorCallManager::callFactory]=97d2a38.
1321792691 -> 1153 [CCall::receiveRequest] INVITE
1321792691 -> 1153 [CCall::getDialog] Confirmed Dialog is not found (ID = ;16783129)
1321792691 -> 1153 [CCall::getDialog] Initial Dialog Server not found
1321792691 -> 155b [CDialog::receiveRequest]
1321792691 -> 155b [CDialog::receiveInviteRequest]
1321792691 -> 2184 [CTransaction::changeState] STATE CHANGED TO INITIAL
1321792691 -> 2184 [CTransaction::changeState] notifying the parent dialog
1321792691 -> 155b [CDialog::onTransactionState(pTrans = 2184, previousState = Terminated, currentState = Initial, reason = None]
1321792691 -> 2184 [CTransInitialState::receiveRequest] Transaction changes to Proceeding state
1321792691 -> 2184 [CTransaction::changeState] STATE CHANGED TO PROCEEDING
1321792691 -> 2184 [CTransaction::changeState] notifying the parent dialog
1321792691 -> 155b [CDialog::onTransactionState(pTrans = 2184, previousState = Initial, currentState = Proceeding, reason = Request reception]
1321792691 -> 2184 [CTransProceedingState::createResponse] CResponse 106 ref=1
1321792691 -> 106 [CMessage::send] sip_sendMessage (
1321792691 -> SEND MESSAGE TO NETWORK ( [UDP]) (BUFF LEN = 350)
SIP/2.0 100 Trying
To: <sip:9341333@sip-cluster.fssp;user=phone>
From: "Test phone" <sip:9331666@node33;user=phone>;tag=16783129
Call-ID: d2190980-1e21317f-db-409210a@
CSeq: 101 INVITE
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKQsDAoqFjZNu56d4.S1mokg~~9
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK478e8f1c
Content-Length: 0

1321792691 -> 155b [CDialog::receiveInviteRequest]  a new Server INVITE transaction is in progress
1321792691 -> [CSessionTimerContext::CSessionTimerContext] New CSessionTimerContext from request (Server, UA)
1321792691 -> [CSessionTimerContext::updateAfterRefreshReception] Upd ate CSessionTimerContext (refresh reception)
1321792691 -> [CSessionTimerContext::updateSupported] Request timer supported 
1321792691 -> [CSessionTimerContext::updateMinSE] Min-SE updated : 1800
1321792691 -> [CSessionTimerContext::updateSessionExpires] Session-Expires updated : 0
1321792691 -> [CSessionTimerContext::setRefreshMethod] Allow refreshMethod=INVITE
1321792691 -> 155b [CDialog::addTransaction] added transaction 2184 with branch z9hG4bKQsDAoqFjZNu56d4.S1mokg~~9, with CSeq 101
1321792691 -> 1153 [CCall::checkAuthentication] INVITE
1321792691 -> 1153[CMotorCall::controlAuthentication] ---*--- AUTH ---*--- Control authentication
1321792691 -> [CGwMngDat a::isAuthenticationRequiredForThisClient] node33 .
1321792691 -> [isDomainFromGwExt] Host from request is : node33.
1321792691 -> [isDomainFromGwExt] User from request is : 9331666
1321792691 -> [domain not from an External Gateway.
1321792691 -> 1153[CMotorCall::setFilterUsedMode] To be traced = 0
1321792691 -> [getFromHeader].
1321792691 -> [isUserDeclared] 9331666@node33
1321792691 -> isUserDeclared] NOT found in the dictionnary.
1321792691 -> [isSeplosStation] other station 
1321792691 -> 1153[CMotorCall::toGatewayOrProxy] request for proxydomain=
1321792691 -> [isUserRegistred] getRegistration=9341333.
1321792691 -> [isUserRegistred] result=-1.
1321792691 -> 1153[CMotorCall::onReceiveRequest] request for gateway.
1321792691 -> 1153[CMotorCall::onReceiveRequest] state = INITIAL_STATE.
1321792691 -> 1153[CMotorCall::methodInviteReceived] nb available licenses=30 .
1321792691 -> [isUserDeclared] 9331666@node33
1321792691 -> isUserDeclared] NOT found in the dictionnary.
1321792691 -> 1153[CMotorCall::compareDialogFromContext] presumed to be the same Dialog
1321792691 -> 1153[CMotorCall::methodInviteReceived] Invite => update the inviteContext.
1321792691 -> [CForkedBranch::CForkedBranch] context = 0x97d2e68.
1321792691 ->         [CForkedBranch::reqUriDuplication] reqUri :sip:9331666@;transport=udp
1321792691 -> 1153[CMotorCall::methodInviteReceived] CAC = 0 
1321792691 -> [receiveInviteMessage] Call: d2190980-1e21317f-db-409210a@ eqt: -1 INITIAL_STATE received a message.
1321792691 -> [decodeInviteCLIR].
1321792691 -> [isDomainFromGwExt] Host from request is : node33.
1321792691 -> [isDomainFromGwExt] User from request is : 9331666
1321792691 ->  am_I_PCS SCSWorking : NO
1321792691 ->  check_PCSstate 
1321792691 ->  am_I_PCS SCSWorking : NO
1321792691 ->  check_PCSstate stat of PCS  is : -1
1321792691 -> [isSessionTimerTooSmall].
1321792691 -> 1153[CMotorCall::analyseSessionTimer] exit with  uacGatewayMode=0 uacRefresher=0.
1321792691 -> [decodeInviteSDP].
1321792691 -> [checkSdpValidity] Sdp contains 1 media description(s).
1321792691 -> [checkSdpValidity] Media 0 type 1 contains 2 formats.
1321792691 -> [checkSdpValidity] Format : 8.
1321792691 -> [convertSdpIntoTsdp] Sdp contains 1 media description(s).
1321792691 -> [convertSdpIntoTsdp] No Direction in the session part.
1321792691 -> [convertSdpIntoTsdp] Check the direction in Session part - result:0.
1321792691 -> [convertSdpIntoTsdp] The audio media contains  2 format(s).
1321792691 -> [convertSdpIntoTsdp] Format 0 is 8.
1321792691 -> [convertSdpIntoTsdp] Format 1 is 97.
1321792691 -> [convertSdpIntoTsdp] Get the direction.
1321792691 -> [convertSdpIntoTsdp] Direction is sendrecv.
1321792691 -> [convertSdpIntoTsdp] The connection is at session level.
1321792691 -> [convertSdpIntoTsdp] Connection address retrieved in sdp:
1321792691 -> [convertIPStrIntoTuipv] =>
1321792691 -> [receiveInviteMessage] NO  100rel REQUIRED for this call.
1321792691 -> [isCACWithInvalidMediaAddr].
1321792691 -> [decodeInviteTo].
1321792691 -> [decodeInviteReferredBy].
1321792691 -> [decodeInviteACSBU].
1321792691 -> 1153[CMotorCall::setFilterUsedMode] To be traced = 0
1321792691 -> 1153[emitEventToMonitel] content size (lginfo): 656
1321792691 -> [CMotorCallManager::insertCallwithEqt] CMotorCall 1240 inserted.
1321792691 -> 1153[sendLgEvtSipCreate] Event sent on eqt : 1240
1321792691 -> 1153[CMotorCall::getOutgoingCall] outgoingCall:0
1321792691 -> 1153 [CCall::getCallDuplicationData]
1321792691 -> [CViaSetSerializer::copy] Added via 7cc2 at index 0
1321792691 -> [CViaSetSerializer::copy] Added via 7cc3 at index 1
1321792691 -> 1153 [CCall::getCallDuplicationData] : Request URI = sip:9341333@;user=phone;transport=udp, Call ID = d2190980-1e21317f-db-409210a@, Local URI = sip:9341333@sip-cluster.fssp;user=phone, Local Tag = , Remote URI = sip:9331666@node33;user=phone, Remote Tag = 16783129, Local CSeq = 1344967239, Remote CSeq = 101 
1321792691 -> [CViaSetSerializer::serialize] Serialized via set : ViaSerialize=Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKQsDAoqFjZNu56d4.S1mokg~~9,Via=Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK478e8f1c
1321792691 -> SendToSipgwCpuSec: Message sent to the STAND-BY CPU
1321792691 -> [receiveInviteMessage] send RemoteSdp to the StandBy.
1321792691 -> SendToSipgwCpuSec: Message sent to the STAND-BY CPU
1321792691 -> [ipc_thread] IPC Thread : Ipc reception 2432.
1321792691 -> [ipc_thread] IPC Thread : TCL thread signaled.
1321792691 -> [exec_ipc] in 2431.
1321792691 -> [display_ipc_in] ------------ Begin ---------------
1321792691 -> neqt : 1240 Id : -1
1321792691 -> SERVER FAILURE
1321792691 -> xx :        2
1321792691 -> [display_ipc_in] ------------- End ----------------
1321792691 -> [CMotorCallManager::onIncomingEvent] an event 10768 arrived on the eqt 1240--1.
1321792691 -> [CMotorCallManager::onIncomingEvent] state = PROCEEDING_STATE.
1321792691 -> [onIncomingEvent] SERVER FAILURE arrived.
1321792691 -> [receiveServerFailureEvent] Call: d2190980-1e21317f-db-409210a@ eqt: 1240 PROCEEDING_STATE received an event.
1321792691 -> 1153[CMotorCall::getOutgoingCall] outgoingCall:0
1321792691 -> [receiveServerFailureEvent] incoming call.
1321792691 -> 1153 [CCall::makeGenericResponse] 502
1321792691 -> 1153 [CCall::getDialog] Confirmed Dialog is not found (ID = ;16783129)
1321792691 -> 1153 [CCall::getDialog] Returning Initial Dialog Server
1321792691 -> 155b [CDialog::createResponse] 502
1321792691 -> 2184 [CTransProceedingState::createResponse] CResponse 107 ref=1
1321792691 -> 107 [CMessage::send] sip_sendMessage (
1321792691 -> SEND MESSAGE TO NETWORK ( [UDP]) (BUFF LEN = 439)
SIP/2.0 502 Bad Gateway
User-Agent: OmniPCX Enterprise R9.1 i1.605.16
To: <sip:9341333@sip-cluster.fssp;user=phone>;tag=05f5b2c7a2a087c0f7b084c3d1f57368
From: "Test phone" <sip:9331666@node33;user=phone>;tag=16783129
Call-ID: d2190980-1e21317f-db-409210a@
CSeq: 101 INVITE
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKQsDAoqFjZNu56d4.S1mokg~~9
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK478e8f1c
Content-Length: 0

1321792691 -> 106 [~CResponse] resp(100) d2190980-1e21317f-db-409210a@ 101 INVITE
1321792691 -> 2184 [CTransProceedingState::createResponse] Final : Transaction changes to Completed state
1321792691 -> 2184 [CTransaction::changeState] STATE CHANGED TO COMPLETED
1321792691 -> 2184 [CTransaction::changeState] notifying the parent dialog
1321792691 -> 155b [CDialog::onTransactionState(pTrans = 2184, previousState = Proceeding, currentState = Completed, reason = Final resp creation]
1321792691 -> 2184 [CTransaction::startTimer] Timer G is started (delay = 500 ms)
1321792691 -> 2184 [CTransaction::startTimer] Timer H is started (delay = 32000 ms)
1321792691 -> 155b [CDialog::updateRouteSet] there are 0 record-route headers
1321792691 -> SendToSipgwCpuSec: Message sent to the STAND-BY CPU
1321792691 -> [exec_ipc] in end 2431.
ACK sip:9341333@;user=phone;transport=udp SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKQsDAoqFjZNu56d4.S1mokg~~9
Max-Forwards: 70
To: <sip:9341333@sip-cluster.fssp;user=phone>;tag=05f5b2c7a2a087c0f7b084c3d1f57368
From: "Test phone" <sip:9331666@node33;user=phone>;tag=16783129
Call-ID: d2190980-1e21317f-db-409210a@
CSeq: 101 ACK
Content-Length: 0


1321792691 -> C9 [CRequest::CRequest] Creation of a request (RECEIVED FROM NETWORK)
1321792691 -> [CIOCom::receiveRequest] Received CRequest C9 ref=1
1321792691 -> [CIOCom::checkHostInBlackList] host=
1321792691 -> [CIOCom::checkHostInBlackList] host=
1321792691 -> [CIOCom::receiveRequest] rport1 not empty 
1321792691 -> [CDispatcher::onIncomingRequest()]
1321792691 -> [CDispatcher::processRequestFromManagerIndex()] start at index 0
1321792691 ->  102 [CCallManager::onIncomingRequest()]
1321792691 -> 1153 [CCall::receiveRequest] ACK
1321792691 -> 1153 [CCall::getDialog] Confirmed Dialog is not found (ID = 05f5b2c7a2a087c0f7b084c3d1f57368;16783129)
1321792691 -> 1153 [CCall::getDialog] Returning Initial Dialog Server
1321792691 -> 155b [CDialog::receiveRequest]
1321792691 -> 155b [CDialog::receiveAckRequest]
1321792691 -> 2184 [CTransCompletedState::receiveRequest] ACK(UDP) : Transaction changes to Confirmed state
1321792691 -> 2184 [CTransaction::changeState] STATE CHANGED TO CONFIRMED
1321792691 -> 2184 [CTransaction::changeState] notifying the parent dialog
1321792691 -> 155b [CDialog::onTransactionState(pTrans = 2184, previousState = Completed, currentState = Confirmed, reason = Request reception]
1321792691 -> 2184 [CTransaction::freeTimerToken] Timer G is freed
1321792691 -> 2184 [CTransaction::freeTimerToken] Timer H is freed
1321792691 -> 2184 [CTransaction::startTimer] Timer I is started (delay = 5000 ms)
1321792691 -> 155b [CDialog::receiveAckRequest] receiving an ACK on a previously rejected INVITE
1321792691 -> 1153 [CCall::checkAuthentication] ACK
1321792691 -> 1153[CMotorCall::controlAuthentication] ---*--- AUTH ---*--- Control authentication
1321792691 -> 1153[CMotorCall::controlAuthentication] ---*--- END ---*--- Control authentication
1321792691 -> [getFromHeader].
1321792691 -> [isUserDeclared] 9331666@node33
1321792691 -> isUserDeclared] NOT found in the dictionnary.
1321792691 -> [isSeplosStation] other station 
1321792691 -> 1153[CMotorCall::toGatewayOrProxy] request for proxydomain=
1321792691 -> [isUserRegistred] getRegistration=9341333.
1321792691 -> [isUserRegistred] result=-1.
1321792691 -> 1153[CMotorCall::onReceiveRequest] request for gateway.
1321792691 -> 1153[CMotorCall::onReceiveRequest] state = TERMINATED_STATE.
1321792691 -> 1153[CMotorCall::compareDialogFromContext] same Dialog
1321792691 -> 1153[CMotorCall::methodAckReceived] Ack => update the inviteContext.
1321792691 -> [receiveAckMessage] Call: d2190980-1e21317f-db-409210a@ eqt: 1240 TERMINATED_STATE received a message.
1321792691 -> 1153[emitEventToMonitel] content size (lginfo): 656
1321792691 -> 1153[emitEventToMonitel] CAC = 0 eqtCAC = -1 
1321792691 -> 1153[emitEventToMonitel] CAC = 0 
1321792691 -> [sendLgEvtSip] Event sent on eqt : 1240 Id :-1
1321792691 -> [display_ipc_out] ------------ Begin ---------------
1321792691 -> Id : -1
1321792691 -> ACK
1321792691 -> [display_ipc_out] ------------- End ----------------
1321792691 -> [ipc_thread] IPC Thread : Ipc reception 2432.
1321792691 -> [ipc_thread] IPC Thread : TCL thread signaled.
1321792691 -> [exec_ipc] in 2431.
1321792691 -> [display_ipc_in] ------------ Begin ---------------
1321792691 -> neqt : 1240 Id : -1
1321792691 -> SIP EQT RELEASED
1321792691 -> [display_ipc_in] ------------- End ----------------
1321792691 -> [CMotorCallManager::onIncomingEvent] an event 10773 arrived on the eqt 1240--1.
1321792691 -> [CMotorCallManager::onIncomingEvent] The call with eqt: 1240 has released its equipment.
1321792691 -> 1153[CMotorCall::emitSipEqtReleaseAck] SIP_EQT_RELEASE_ACK
1321792691 -> 1153[emitEventToMonitel] content size (lginfo): 656
1321792691 -> 1153[emitEventToMonitel] CAC = 0 eqtCAC = -1 
1321792691 -> 1153[emitEventToMonitel] CAC = 0 
1321792691 -> [sendLgEvtSip] Event sent on eqt : 1240 Id :-1
1321792691 -> [display_ipc_out] ------------ Begin ---------------
1321792691 -> Id : -1
1321792691 -> UNKNOWN MESSAGE
1321792691 -> [display_ipc_out] ------------- End ----------------
1321792691 -> 1153[CMotorCall::unRegister] Remove eqt : 1240 diag : -1 from the map.
1321792691 -> [CMotorCallManager::eraseCallwithEqt] CMotorCall 1240 erased.
1321792691 -> [CMotorCallManager::onIncomingEvent] state = TERMINATED_STATE.
1321792691 -> SendToSipgwCpuSec: Message sent to the STAND-BY CPU
1321792691 -> [CMotorCallManager::onIncomingEvent] killSession.
1321792691 -> 1153 [CCall::killSession]
1321792691 -> 2184 [CTransaction::changeState] STATE CHANGED TO TERMINATED
1321792691 -> 2184 [CTransaction::freeTimerToken] Timer I is freed
1321792691 -> 2184 [CTransaction::changeState] no transaction state, terminated reason : None
1321792691 -> 1153 [CCall::onKill Session Call manager close is called]
1321792691 -> 1153 [CCall::killSession] notifying the call manager
1321792691 ->  102 [CCallManager::onCallClosed]
1321792691 ->  102 [CCallManager::onCallClosed()] Call 1153 closed. Removing call 159197752 from the maps
1321792691 -> [CMotorCallManager::onNotifyCallClosed] Call : d2190980-1e21317f-db-409210a@ is closed.
1321792691 -> [CMotorCallManager::onNotifyCallClosed] Call : d2190980-1e21317f-db-409210a@ is closed.
1321792691 -> [CMotorCallManager::onNotifyCallClosed] call processResponse.
1321792691 -> 1153[CMotorCall::processResponse] call chooseBestResponse.
1321792691 -> 1153[CMotorCall::chooseBestResponse] pForkedBranch=0x97d3348 iResponseCode=2000.
1321792691 ->         [CForkedBranch::getResponseCode] response=2000.
1321792691 -> 1153[CMotorCall::chooseBestResponse] next branch.
1321792691 -> 1153[CMotorCall::processResponse] no response found.
1321792691 -> [CMotorCallManager::onNotifyCallClosed] Remove eqt from the map.
1321792691 -> [CCall::onKill] se t callmanager to null
1321792691 -> [exec_ipc] in end 2431.
1321792691 -> [CTransaction::notifyDialog]
1321792691 -> [CTransaction::notifyDialog] notify parent dialog
1321792691 -> 155b [CDialog::onTransactionState(pTrans = 2184, previousState = null, currentState = Terminated, reason = None]
1321792691 -> 155b [CDialog::onTransactionState] dialog is terminated
1321792691 -> 155b [CDialog::onTransactionState] onDialogClosed
1321792691 -> 1153 [CCall::onDialogClosed]
1321792691 -> 1153 [CCall::onDialogClosed] only initial *********
1321792691 -> 1153 [CCall::onDialogClosed] All the initial dialogs in the Call are closed
1321792691 -> 2184 [~CTransaction] transaction 101 INVITE
1321792691 -> C9 [~CRequest] req d2190980-1e21317f-db-409210a@ 101 ACK
1321792692 ->  102 [CCallManager::removeGarbage] at index i = 0
1321792692 -> 1153[CMotorCall::~CMotorCall] Call : d2190980-1e21317f-db-409210a@ is being destructed.
1321792692 -> 1153 [CCall::~CCall]
1321792692 -> 1153 [CCall::removeGarbage]
1321792692 -> 155b [CDialog::~CDialog]
1321792692 -> [CSessionTimerContext::~CSessionTimerContext] Free CSessionTimerContext
1321792692 -> 107 [~CResponse] resp(502) d2190980-1e21317f-db-409210a@ 101 INVITE
1321792692 -> C8 [~CRequest] req d2190980-1e21317f-db-409210a@ 101 INVITE
Страницы: Пред. 1 2 3
Перебором нашёл станцию OXE, на которую вызов проходит! Чудеса какие-то: инвайты одинаковые а поведение станций абсолютно разное. Пытался сравнивать конфиги - одно и тоже и по транк группам, и по external gateway и по префиксам...
Подскажите, куда дальше копать в системе? Где зарыты точечные настройки SIP? Как посмотреть, что происходит внутри этого sipmotor при обработке  INVITE?
если у вас включена авторизация на sip gateway, выключите ее для начала, во-вторых - инвайты не могут быть одианковыми - либо кавычки стоят либо еще что-то не так. и смотрите внимательно - откуда (IP, имя) и куда (то же самое) идет обмен сигнализацией SIP.
У Дарта Вейдера в столе всякого навалено: карты разные галактик и портрет Гагарина.
Dmitry Ryzhakov,
Инвайты абсолютно одинаковые, потому что идут с одного CallManager, через один SIP-прокси. А вот обработка инвайтов разная.
Проблема решена! Всем большое спасибо за участие!
Оказывается надо было на внутренней SIP транк группе (которая к внутреннему gateway) обязательно поставить в свойствах Compression Type = G711. Причём независимо от того, что стоит на внешней транк группе, в IP domain или ещё где. Видимо, это связано с тем, что 4-й CallManager по SIP только 711 кодек понимает.
Причём AudioCodes, Panasonic, OXE, OXO, Samsung, Asterisk совсем не смущает настройка на внутренней транк группе, а вот Cisco CallManager смутился:)

Короче говоря, если встречаете Server Failure, не стоит смотреть на 502 Bad Gateway, а траблешутить дальше по стандартной схеме: имена, номера, кодеки, IP-адреса.
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