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Проблема с аналоговыми аппаратами, On hook - телеофн звонит
Есть OXE 9.1, есть плата SLI16, подклюили аналоговых абонентов.

Существует такая проблема: поднимаем трубку разговариваем, как только кладем трубку телефон начинает звонить (1 гудок). И на экране постоянно написано Incoming call. Хотя телефон свободен.

То есть при каждом нажатии на Hook телефон звонит.   Пробовали разные модели аппаратов: факс, обычный панасоник,  поликом.

Подскажите где копать?
Изменено: qwe 123 - 12.07.2012 13:53:43
Вот прямо - говорили с внутренним абонентом, положили трубу - и у вас аппарат зазвонил?
Или все-таки разговаривали с городом по аналоговым внешним линиям?
Можно просто поднять трубку и положить ее, все равно раздается звонок как только положить  трубку. и на экране телефонов будет incoming call. Хотя я просто поднял и положил трубку
SLI-2 (не SLI)?
Из ТС 1464
It can be resolved by the following procedures:
1 Go to mgr > Shelf > Go down hierarchy > Board > Review/Modify
2 Enter Shelf and Board address of the coupler
3 Change the Protocol Type for CLIP to After a dual tone signal
4 Reset the coupler to reflect the changes in configuration.
Текст целиком
Single ring is heard when phone is kept on-hook, if CLIP is enabled with SLI-2 board.
Releases & hardware concerned: From R9.1 with SLI-2 board
Short (Single) ring observed is basically used for activating the CLIP resource available. It is usually not heard as a ring as its duration is less than a normal ring. But some phone sets may ring.
It can be resolved by the following procedures:
1 Go to mgr > Shelf > Go down hierarchy > Board > Review/Modify
2 Enter Shelf and Board address of the coupler
3 Change the Protocol Type for CLIP to After a dual tone signal
4 Reset the coupler to reflect the changes in configuration.
'Noise tone' issue in specific scenario
Once After a dual tone signal configured for Protocol Type for CLIP, if users try to onhook / offhook fast (within 1sec), some kind of noise will be heard instead of the dial tone. Even in this case there is no issue with the call establishment.
The "noise" is exactly a systematic activation signal to keep MWI (LED message) status in the CPU after onhook of a set. The following steps could be used to disable this signal:
For the involved SLI2 board:
1 mgr > Shelf > Board > Review/Modify > Send Init Dynamic Msg: +True
2 mgr > Shelf > Board > Review/Modify > Default Param: +False
3 mgr > Shelf > Board > Dynamic Init Parameters > Review/Modify:
P0: 3
P1: 2
P2: 255
P3: 255
4 Reset the SLI2 board to take the change into account.
The consequence to disable the systematic activation signal is that there will be no status of MWI (LED message) kept in the CPU, hence the phone set will have only its latest MWI (LED message) status.
For example, if disconnect the phone set and reconnect it back to OmniPCX Enterprise, the previous MWI (LED message) status which should be there with systematic activation signal for MWI (LED message) will not be kept anymore.
This modification (with GD3) can only be done after R9.1 patch I1.605.26, as there was an issue that the Init Dynamic Params cannot be taken into account, which fixed in GD3 binary version 3.34 embedded in I1.605.26.
VAD ! огромное спасибо, проблема решена
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