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Не работает dynamic route на сотовый телефон
В CSD был прописан номер мобильного телефона (52 99 83), на который должна идти маршрутизация звонка при неответе. При звонке, после отсчёта таймера происходит сброс соединения. Если же поменять номер телефона с мобильного на какой-нибудь номер городской сети, маршрутизация происходит нормально. Обычный звонок на этот номер мобильного тоже проходит без проблем.

Вот трассировка:

Внешний звонок:
ISDN3_00021 06/11 17:59:16 RX d_channel: 98 (S:00 T:000) payload: (44) 08 02 01 05 05 A1 04 03 90 90 A3 18 03 A9 83 83 1E 02 82 83 6C 0D 00 83 38 38 34 38 32 35 35 37 36 34 33 70 07 81 36 36 39 38 34 38
0x05 SETUP Ref: O,261
  ie 0xA1 Sending complete
  ie 0x04 Bearer capability: 90 90 A3
    Coding: CCITT standardized
    Information transfer capability: 3.1 kHz audio
    Transfer mode: Circuit mode
    Transfer rate: 64 Kbit/s
    User info layer 1: G.711 A-law
  ie 0x18 Channel identification: A9 83 83
    Interface identifier: Implicit
    Interface type: Primary rate
    Indicated channel: Exclusive
    D-channel identified: Yes
    Information channel selection: B1 channel
    Coding: CCITT standardized
    Channel type: B-channel units
    Channel number: 0x03
  ie 0x1E Progress indicator: 82 83
    Coding: CCITT standardized
    Location: Public network serving the local user
    Progress: Origination address is non-ISDN
  ie 0x6C Calling party number: 00 83 38 38 34 38 32 35 35 37 36 34 33
    Number type: Unknown
    Numbering plan: Unknown
    Presentation: presentation allowed
    Screening: network provided
    Number: 88482557643
  ie 0x70 Called party number: 81 36 36 39 38 34 38
    Number type: Unknown
    Numbering plan: ISDN/Telephony(CCITT Recommendation E.164/E.163)
    Number: 669848
ISDN3_00022 06/11 17:59:16 TX d_channel: 98 (S:00 T:000) payload: (10) 08 02 81 05 02 18 03 A9 83 83
  ie 0x18 Channel identification: A9 83 83
    Interface identifier: Implicit
    Interface type: Primary rate
    Indicated channel: Exclusive
    D-channel identified: Yes
    Information channel selection: B1 channel
    Coding: CCITT standardized
    Channel type: B-channel units
    Channel number: 0x03
ISDN3_00023 06/11 17:59:16 TX d_channel: 98 (S:00 T:000) payload: (9) 08 02 81 05 01 1E 02 85 88
0x01 ALERTING Ref: D,261
  ie 0x1E Progress indicator: 85 88
    Coding: CCITT standardized
    Location: Private network serving the remote user
    Progress: In-band information or appropriate pattern now available

Срабатывает таймер, происходит маршрутизация на мобильный и сбрасывается:
ISDN3_00024 06/11 17:59:31 TX d_channel: 98 (S:00 T:000) payload: (68) 08 02 00 10 05 A1 04 03 90 90 A3 18 01 A3 1C 1D 91 A1 1A 02 01 1C 02 01 0F 30 12 02 01 01 0A 01 00 A1 0A A0 08 80 06 36 36 39 38 34 38 1E 02 85 83 6C 08 01 80 36 36 39 38 34 38 70 07 81 35 32 39 39 38 33
0x05 SETUP Ref: O,16
  ie 0xA1 Sending complete
  ie 0x04 Bearer capability: 90 90 A3
    Coding: CCITT standardized
    Information transfer capability: 3.1 kHz audio
    Transfer mode: Circuit mode
    Transfer rate: 64 Kbit/s
    User info layer 1: G.711 A-law
  ie 0x18 Channel identification: A3
    Interface identifier: Implicit
    Interface type: Primary rate
    Indicated channel: Preferred
    D-channel identified: No
    Information channel selection: any channel
  ie 0x1C Facility: 91 A1 1A 02 01 1C 02 01 0F 30 12 02 01 01 0A 01 00 A1 0A A0 08 80 06 36 36 39 38 34 38
  ie 0x1E Progress indicator: 85 83
    Coding: CCITT standardized
    Location: Private network serving the remote user
    Progress: Origination address is non-ISDN
  ie 0x6C Calling party number: 01 80 36 36 39 38 34 38
    Number type: Unknown
    Numbering plan: ISDN/Telephony(CCITT Recommendation E.164/E.163)
    Presentation: presentation allowed
    Screening: user-provided, not screened
    Number: 669848
  ie 0x70 Called party number: 81 35 32 39 39 38 33
    Number type: Unknown
    Numbering plan: ISDN/Telephony(CCITT Recommendation E.164/E.163)
    Number: 529983
ISDN3_00025 06/11 17:59:31 RX d_channel: 98 (S:00 T:000) payload: (10) 08 02 80 10 02 18 03 A9 83 82
  ie 0x18 Channel identification: A9 83 82
    Interface identifier: Implicit
    Interface type: Primary rate
    Indicated channel: Exclusive
    D-channel identified: Yes
    Information channel selection: B1 channel
    Coding: CCITT standardized
    Channel type: B-channel units
    Channel number: 0x02
SAN_00026  at line 8136 "depub_aels"
          on 06.11 at 17:59:31 (13151095) 
          info : 0000 7305 0000 0001 FFFF FFF9 FFFF FFFF 
ISDN3_00027 06/11 17:59:31 RX d_channel: 98 (S:00 T:000) payload: (13) 08 02 80 10 45 08 02 80 9F 1E 02 82 88
0x45 DISCONNECT Ref: D,16
  ie 0x08 Cause: 80 9F
    Coding: CCITT standardized
    Location: User
    Class: Normal event
    Value: Normal, not specified
  ie 0x1E Progress indicator: 82 88
    Coding: CCITT standardized
    Location: Public network serving the local user
    Progress: In-band information or appropriate pattern now available
ISDN3_00028 06/11 17:59:31 TX d_channel: 98 (S:00 T:000) payload: (13) 08 02 81 05 45 08 02 85 9F 1E 02 85 88
0x45 DISCONNECT Ref: D,261
  ie 0x08 Cause: 85 9F
    Coding: CCITT standardized
    Location: Private network serving the remote user
    Class: Normal event
    Value: Normal, not specified
  ie 0x1E Progress indicator: 85 88
    Coding: CCITT standardized
    Location: Private network serving the remote user
    Progress: In-band information or appropriate pattern now available
ISDN3_00029 06/11 17:59:31 TX d_channel: 98 (S:00 T:000) payload: (9) 08 02 00 10 4D 08 02 81 9F
0x4D RELEASE Ref: O,16
  ie 0x08 Cause: 81 9F
    Coding: CCITT standardized
    Location: Private network serving the local user
    Class: Normal event
    Value: Normal, not specified
ISDN3_00030 06/11 17:59:31 RX d_channel: 98 (S:00 T:000) payload: (5) 08 02 80 10 5A
ISDN3_00031 06/11 17:59:31 RX d_channel: 98 (S:00 T:000) payload: (5) 08 02 01 05 4D
0x4D RELEASE Ref: O,261
ISDN3_00032 06/11 17:59:31 TX d_channel: 98 (S:00 T:000) payload: (5) 08 02 81 05 5A
0x5A RELEASE_COMP Ref: D,261

А вот простой звонок с цифрового телефона, с которого и должна производиться маршрутизация на мобильный:
ISDN3_00043 06/11 18:03:25 TX d_channel: 98 (S:00 T:000) payload: (39) 08 02 00 12 05 04 03 80 90 A3 18 01 A3 6C 08 01 80 36 36 39 38 34 38 70 07 81 35 32 39 39 38 33 7D 02 91 81 7E 01 04
0x05 SETUP Ref: O,18
  ie 0x04 Bearer capability: 80 90 A3
    Coding: CCITT standardized
    Information transfer capability: Speech
    Transfer mode: Circuit mode
    Transfer rate: 64 Kbit/s
    User info layer 1: G.711 A-law
  ie 0x18 Channel identification: A3
    Interface identifier: Implicit
    Interface type: Primary rate
    Indicated channel: Preferred
    D-channel identified: No
    Information channel selection: any channel
  ie 0x6C Calling party number: 01 80 36 36 39 38 34 38
    Number type: Unknown
    Numbering plan: ISDN/Telephony(CCITT Recommendation E.164/E.163)
    Presentation: presentation allowed
    Screening: user-provided, not screened
    Number: 669848
  ie 0x70 Called party number: 81 35 32 39 39 38 33
    Number type: Unknown
    Numbering plan: ISDN/Telephony(CCITT Recommendation E.164/E.163)
    Number: 529983
  ie 0x7D High layer compatibility: 91 81
  ie 0x7E User-user: 04
ISDN3_00044 06/11 18:03:25 RX d_channel: 98 (S:00 T:000) payload: (10) 08 02 80 12 0D 18 03 A9 83 8A
0x0D SETUP_ACK Ref: D,18
  ie 0x18 Channel identification: A9 83 8A
    Interface identifier: Implicit
    Interface type: Primary rate
    Indicated channel: Exclusive
    D-channel identified: Yes
    Information channel selection: B1 channel
    Coding: CCITT standardized
    Channel type: B-channel units
    Channel number: 0x0A
ISDN3_00045 06/11 18:03:25 RX d_channel: 98 (S:00 T:000) payload: (16) 08 02 80 12 02 1E 02 82 88 1E 02 82 82 27 01 FB
  ie 0x1E Progress indicator: 82 88
    Coding: CCITT standardized
    Location: Public network serving the local user
    Progress: In-band information or appropriate pattern now available
  ie 0x1E Progress indicator: 82 82
    Coding: CCITT standardized
    Location: Public network serving the local user
    Progress: Destination address is non-ISDN
  ie 0x27 Notification indicator: FB
ISDN3_00046 06/11 18:03:29 RX d_channel: 98 (S:00 T:000) payload: (9) 08 02 80 12 01 1E 02 84 88
0x01 ALERTING Ref: D,18
  ie 0x1E Progress indicator: 84 88
    Coding: CCITT standardized
    Location: Public network serving the remote user
    Progress: In-band information or appropriate pattern now available
ISDN3_00047 06/11 18:03:32 RX d_channel: 98 (S:00 T:000) payload: (20) 08 02 80 12 07 1E 02 84 88 29 05 0B 0B 06 12 03 76 02 00 A0
0x07 CONNECT Ref: D,18
  ie 0x1E Progress indicator: 84 88
    Coding: CCITT standardized
    Location: Public network serving the remote user
    Progress: In-band information or appropriate pattern now available
  ie 0x29 Date/time: 0B 0B 06 12 03
  ie 0x76: 00 A0
ISDN3_00048 06/11 18:03:32 TX d_channel: 98 (S:00 T:000) payload: (12) 08 02 00 12 7D 08 02 81 E3 14 01 0A
0x7D STATUS Ref: O,18
  ie 0x08 Cause: 81 E3
    Coding: CCITT standardized
    Location: Private network serving the local user
    Class: 3
    Value: Unknown information element
  ie 0x14 Call state: 0A
ISDN3_00049 06/11 18:03:38 RX d_channel: 98 (S:00 T:000) payload: (14) 08 02 80 12 45 08 03 80 90 FD 1E 02 82 88
0x45 DISCONNECT Ref: D,18
  ie 0x08 Cause: 80 90 FD
    Coding: CCITT standardized
    Location: User
    Class: Normal event
    Value: Normal release
  ie 0x1E Progress indicator: 82 88
    Coding: CCITT standardized
    Location: Public network serving the local user
    Progress: In-band information or appropriate pattern now available
ISDN3_00050 06/11 18:03:43 TX d_channel: 98 (S:00 T:000) payload: (9) 08 02 00 12 4D 08 02 81 90
0x4D RELEASE Ref: O,18
  ie 0x08 Cause: 81 90
    Coding: CCITT standardized
    Location: Private network serving the local user
    Class: Normal event
    Value: Normal release
ISDN3_00051 06/11 18:03:43 RX d_channel: 98 (S:00 T:000) payload: (5) 08 02 80 12 5A

А если просто прописать в Public Numbering Plan CSD на этот номер, то звонок тоже проходит нормально.
ISDN3_00003 06/11 20:20:39 RX d_channel: 98 (S:00 T:000) payload: (44) 08 02 01 14 05 A1 04 03 90 90 A3 18 03 A9 83 89 1E 02 82 83 6C 0D 00 83 38 38 34 38 32 35 35 37 36 34 33 70 07 81 36 36 39 38 34 39
0x05 SETUP Ref: O,276
  ie 0xA1 Sending complete
  ie 0x04 Bearer capability: 90 90 A3
    Coding: CCITT standardized
    Information transfer capability: 3.1 kHz audio
    Transfer mode: Circuit mode
    Transfer rate: 64 Kbit/s
    User info layer 1: G.711 A-law
  ie 0x18 Channel identification: A9 83 89
    Interface identifier: Implicit
    Interface type: Primary rate
    Indicated channel: Exclusive
    D-channel identified: Yes
    Information channel selection: B1 channel
    Coding: CCITT standardized
    Channel type: B-channel units
    Channel number: 0x09
  ie 0x1E Progress indicator: 82 83
    Coding: CCITT standardized
    Location: Public network serving the local user
    Progress: Origination address is non-ISDN
  ie 0x6C Calling party number: 00 83 38 38 34 38 32 35 35 37 36 34 33
    Number type: Unknown
    Numbering plan: Unknown
    Presentation: presentation allowed
    Screening: network provided
    Number: 88482557643
  ie 0x70 Called party number: 81 36 36 39 38 34 39
    Number type: Unknown
    Numbering plan: ISDN/Telephony(CCITT Recommendation E.164/E.163)
    Number: 669849
ISDN3_00004 06/11 20:20:39 TX d_channel: 98 (S:00 T:000) payload: (10) 08 02 81 14 02 18 03 A9 83 89
  ie 0x18 Channel identification: A9 83 89
    Interface identifier: Implicit
    Interface type: Primary rate
    Indicated channel: Exclusive
    D-channel identified: Yes
    Information channel selection: B1 channel
    Coding: CCITT standardized
    Channel type: B-channel units
    Channel number: 0x09
ISDN3_00005 06/11 20:20:39 TX d_channel: 98 (S:00 T:000) payload: (41) 08 02 00 1E 05 A1 04 03 90 90 A3 18 01 A3 1E 02 85 83 6C 0C 20 83 38 34 38 32 35 35 37 36 34 33 70 07 81 35 32 39 39 38 33
0x05 SETUP Ref: O,30
  ie 0xA1 Sending complete
  ie 0x04 Bearer capability: 90 90 A3
    Coding: CCITT standardized
    Information transfer capability: 3.1 kHz audio
    Transfer mode: Circuit mode
    Transfer rate: 64 Kbit/s
    User info layer 1: G.711 A-law
  ie 0x18 Channel identification: A3
    Interface identifier: Implicit
    Interface type: Primary rate
    Indicated channel: Preferred
    D-channel identified: No
    Information channel selection: any channel
  ie 0x1E Progress indicator: 85 83
    Coding: CCITT standardized
    Location: Private network serving the remote user
    Progress: Origination address is non-ISDN
  ie 0x6C Calling party number: 20 83 38 34 38 32 35 35 37 36 34 33
    Number type: National number
    Numbering plan: Unknown
    Presentation: presentation allowed
    Screening: network provided
    Number: 8482557643
  ie 0x70 Called party number: 81 35 32 39 39 38 33
    Number type: Unknown
    Numbering plan: ISDN/Telephony(CCITT Recommendation E.164/E.163)
    Number: 529983
ISDN3_00006 06/11 20:20:39 RX d_channel: 98 (S:00 T:000) payload: (10) 08 02 80 1E 02 18 03 A9 83 88
  ie 0x18 Channel identification: A9 83 88
    Interface identifier: Implicit
    Interface type: Primary rate
    Indicated channel: Exclusive
    D-channel identified: Yes
    Information channel selection: B1 channel
    Coding: CCITT standardized
    Channel type: B-channel units
    Channel number: 0x08
SAN_00007  at line 8136 "depub_aels"
          on 06.11 at 20:20:39 (21619431) 
          info : 0000 7305 0000 0001 FFFF FFF9 FFFF FFFF 
ISDN3_00008 06/11 20:20:39 RX d_channel: 98 (S:00 T:000) payload: (16) 08 02 80 1E 03 1E 02 82 88 1E 02 82 82 27 01 FB
0x03 PROGRESS Ref: D,30
  ie 0x1E Progress indicator: 82 88
    Coding: CCITT standardized
    Location: Public network serving the local user
    Progress: In-band information or appropriate pattern now available
  ie 0x1E Progress indicator: 82 82
    Coding: CCITT standardized
    Location: Public network serving the local user
    Progress: Destination address is non-ISDN
  ie 0x27 Notification indicator: FB
SAN_00009  at line 8136 "depub_aels"
          on 06.11 at 20:20:39 (21619678) 
          info : 0000 7305 0000 0001 FFFF FFF9 FFFF FFFF 
ISDN3_00010 06/11 20:20:39 TX d_channel: 98 (S:00 T:000) payload: (12) 08 02 00 1E 7D 08 02 81 E3 14 01 03
0x7D STATUS Ref: O,30
  ie 0x08 Cause: 81 E3
    Coding: CCITT standardized
    Location: Private network serving the local user
    Class: 3
    Value: Unknown information element
  ie 0x14 Call state: 03
ISDN3_00011 06/11 20:20:44 RX d_channel: 98 (S:00 T:000) payload: (9) 08 02 80 1E 01 1E 02 84 88
0x01 ALERTING Ref: D,30
  ie 0x1E Progress indicator: 84 88
    Coding: CCITT standardized
    Location: Public network serving the remote user
    Progress: In-band information or appropriate pattern now available
SAN_00012  at line 8136 "depub_aels"
          on 06.11 at 20:20:44 (21623870) 
          info : 0000 7305 0000 0001 FFFF FFF9 FFFF FFFF 
ISDN3_00013 06/11 20:20:44 TX d_channel: 98 (S:00 T:000) payload: (9) 08 02 81 14 01 1E 02 85 88
0x01 ALERTING Ref: D,276
  ie 0x1E Progress indicator: 85 88
    Coding: CCITT standardized
    Location: Private network serving the remote user
    Progress: In-band information or appropriate pattern now available
ISDN3_00014 06/11 20:20:50 RX d_channel: 98 (S:00 T:000) payload: (20) 08 02 80 1E 07 1E 02 84 88 29 05 0B 0B 06 14 14 76 02 00 A0
0x07 CONNECT Ref: D,30
  ie 0x1E Progress indicator: 84 88
    Coding: CCITT standardized
    Location: Public network serving the remote user
    Progress: In-band information or appropriate pattern now available
  ie 0x29 Date/time: 0B 0B 06 14 14
  ie 0x76: 00 A0
ISDN3_00015 06/11 20:20:50 TX d_channel: 98 (S:00 T:000) payload: (12) 08 02 00 1E 7D 08 02 81 E3 14 01 0A
0x7D STATUS Ref: O,30
  ie 0x08 Cause: 81 E3
    Coding: CCITT standardized
    Location: Private network serving the local user
    Class: 3
    Value: Unknown information element
  ie 0x14 Call state: 0A
ISDN3_00016 06/11 20:20:50 TX d_channel: 98 (S:00 T:000) payload: (19) 08 02 81 14 07 1E 02 85 88 4C 08 01 80 35 32 39 39 38 33
0x07 CONNECT Ref: D,276
  ie 0x1E Progress indicator: 85 88
    Coding: CCITT standardized
    Location: Private network serving the remote user
    Progress: In-band information or appropriate pattern now available
  ie 0x4C: 01 80 35 32 39 39 38 33
ISDN3_00017 06/11 20:20:50 RX d_channel: 98 (S:00 T:000) payload: (5) 08 02 01 14 0F
0x0F CONNECT_ACK Ref: O,276
ISDN3_00018 06/11 20:20:55 RX d_channel: 98 (S:00 T:000) payload: (14) 08 02 80 1E 45 08 03 80 90 FD 1E 02 82 88
0x45 DISCONNECT Ref: D,30
  ie 0x08 Cause: 80 90 FD
    Coding: CCITT standardized
    Location: User
    Class: Normal event
    Value: Normal release
  ie 0x1E Progress indicator: 82 88
    Coding: CCITT standardized
    Location: Public network serving the local user
    Progress: In-band information or appropriate pattern now available
ISDN3_00019 06/11 20:20:55 TX d_channel: 98 (S:00 T:000) payload: (14) 08 02 81 14 45 08 03 85 90 FD 1E 02 85 88
0x45 DISCONNECT Ref: D,276
  ie 0x08 Cause: 85 90 FD
    Coding: CCITT standardized
    Location: Private network serving the remote user
    Class: Normal event
    Value: Normal release
  ie 0x1E Progress indicator: 85 88
    Coding: CCITT standardized
    Location: Private network serving the remote user
    Progress: In-band information or appropriate pattern now available
ISDN3_00020 06/11 20:20:55 RX d_channel: 98 (S:00 T:000) payload: (5) 08 02 01 14 4D
0x4D RELEASE Ref: O,276
ISDN3_00021 06/11 20:20:55 TX d_channel: 98 (S:00 T:000) payload: (5) 08 02 81 14 5A
0x5A RELEASE_COMP Ref: D,276
ISDN3_00022 06/11 20:20:55 TX d_channel: 98 (S:00 T:000) payload: (9) 08 02 00 1E 4D 08 02 81 90
0x4D RELEASE Ref: O,30
  ie 0x08 Cause: 81 90
    Coding: CCITT standardized
    Location: Private network serving the local user
    Class: Normal event
    Value: Normal release
ISDN3_00023 06/11 20:20:55 RX d_channel: 98 (S:00 T:000) payload: (5) 08 02 80 1E 5A
Изменено: evs - 06.11.2011 22:24:10
В общем проблема решилась установкой FacilityIE=00 в Debug labels, но суть проблемы осталась непонятной. Чем опсосу не нравятся эти сообщения?
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