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переадресация с pri на sip
ОХЕ i1.605.25.b
к прову АТС подключена по pri. так же к АТС подключен gsm-шлюз по SIP через который выходят региональные сотовые направления

проблема в в следующем:
"абонент А" ставит немедленную переадресацию на свой сотовый (естественно звонок будет идти через gsm-шлюз), звоним с внутри АТС на "абонента А", переадресация все как и положено работает. теперь звоним на городской номер "абонента А", на сотовом телефоне звонок (вызов прошел через gsm-шлюз) секудны 3 позвенит и сброс.

не могу понять в чем дело

трассировка по SIP

(E)xb000000> motortrace 3
motortrace (v5.2.0) verbosity = 00000000
sipmotor trace-level set 3 (All traces).
(E)xb000000> traced
** UNIX-trace-daemon started ... (static user group No 1) **

traced started ...
1313487205 -> [exec_ipc] in 2368.
1313487205 -> [display_ipc_in] ------------ Begin ---------------
1313487205 -> neqt : 1717 Id : -1
1313487205 -> INVITE
1313487205 -> REQUEST URI : <> 89600xxxxxx@ ; user=phone
1313487205 -> FROM : <1931 Ivanov> 1931@ ; user=phone
1313487205 -> TO : <> 89600xxxxxx@ ; user=phone
1313487205 -> CAC : 0
1313487205 -> neqt CAC : -1
1313487205 -> CLIR : 0
1313487205 -> SDP :
1313487205 ->   ADDRESS : :32552
1313487205 ->   ALGOS :
1313487205 ->     PCMA
1313487205 ->     G723
1313487205 ->     G729
1313487205 ->     97
1313487205 ->   DIRECTION : SEND & RECEIVE
1313487205 ->   N_GW_EXT : 0
1313487205 -> [display_ipc_in] ------------- End ----------------
1313487205 -> [CMotorCallManager::onIncomingEvent] an event 10752 arrived on the eqt 1717--1.
1313487205 -> [CMotorCallManager::onIncomingEvent] New Call created.
1313487205 -> [CMotorCallManager::callFactory].
1313487205 -> [CMotorCall :: CMotorCall()] Oxe_Version_Name = OmniPCX Enterprise R9.1 i1.605.25
1313487205 -> [CMotorCallManager::callFactory]=8476010.
1313487205 -> [CMotorCallManager::onIncomingEvent] eqt=1717 -1.
1313487205 -> [CMotorCallManager::insertCallwithEqt] CMotorCall 1717 inserted.
1313487205 -> [quoteString] => "1931 Ivanov"
1313487205 -> 110a[CMotorCall::inviteBuildFromAssertedId] no P_Asserted_Identity
1313487205 -> 110a[CMotorCall::setFilterUsedMode] To be traced = 0
1313487205 -> [CMotorCallManager::onIncomingEvent] state = INITIAL_STATE.
1313487205 -> [onIncomingEvent] INVITE arrived.
1313487205 -> [receiveInviteEvent] Call: eqt: 1717 INITIAL_STATE received an event.
1313487205 -> 110a[CMotorCall::emitInviteMessage] begin.
1313487205 -> [isValidGwExt] ext gw 0 is valid
1313487205 -> 110a[CMotorCall::inviteBuildAurlWithBelongingDomain] extGw=0
1313487205 -> [quoteString] => "1931 Ivanov"
1313487205 -> [is_addr_in_dico] user=89600xxxxxx host=
1313487205 -> [isUserDeclared] 89600xxxxxx@
1313487205 -> isUserDeclared] NOT found in the dictionnary.
1313487205 -> [is_addr_in_dico] Not in the dico
1313487205 -> 110a[CMotorCall::inviteBuildAurlWithoutBelongingDomain] P-Asserted-Identity: "1931 Ivanov" <sip:1931@;user=phone>
1313487205 -> [quoteString] => "1931 Ivanov"
1313487205 -> 110a[CMotorCall::emitInviteMessage] From: "1931 Ivanov" <sip:1931@;user=phone>
1313487205 -> 110a[CMotorCall::emitInviteMessage] reqUri :sip:89600xxxxxx@;user=phone
1313487205 -> 110a[CMotorCall::emitInviteMessage]-->SIP_INFO_allowed=0
1313487205 -> [isValidGwExt] ext gw 0 is valid
1313487205 -> 110a[CMotorCall ISDN ExtGW
1313487205 -> [isValidGwExt] ext gw 0 is valid
1313487205 -> 110a[CMotorCall ISDN ExtGW
1313487205 -> 110a[CMotorCall::inviteBuildSupportedHeader] Invite directed to external gw : 0
1313487205 -> 110a[CMotorCall::emitInviteMessage] Request Uri : sip:89600xxxxxx@;user=phone
1313487205 -> 110a[CMotorCall::emitInviteMessage] To: <sip:89600xxxxxx@;user=phone>
1313487205 ->  am_I_PCS SCSWorking : NO
1313487205 ->  check_PCSstate
1313487205 ->  am_I_PCS SCSWorking : NO
1313487205 ->  check_PCSstate stat of PCS  is : -1
1313487205 -> 110a[CMotorCall::inviteBuildContact] begin. crms00137339
1313487205 -> [137339 - inviteBuildContact] trunk_number=12 extGw =0.
1313487205 -> [137339-InviteBuildContact] userinfo : 1931
1313487205 -> 110a[CMotorCall::inviteBuildContact] Contact: sip:1931@
1313487205 -> 110a[CMotorCall::emitInviteMessage] uacGatewayMode=1 uacRefresher=1.
1313487205 -> 110a[CMotorCall::makeRequestSdp] Begin sdp.
1313487205 -> 110a[CMotorCall::makeRequestSdp] Direction: 0.
1313487205 -> 110a[CMotorCall::makeRequestSdp] format 97
1313487205 -> 110a[CMotorCall::makeRequestSdp] Final sdp.
1313487205 -> 110a[CMotorCall::emitInviteMessage] The sdp build.
1313487205 -> 110a[CMotorCall::new_determineTargetsForTheRequest] is not Responsible For This URI.
1313487205 -> 110a[CMotorCall::makeInitialMotorRequest] isResolution=0.
1313487205 -> [isValidGwExt] ext gw 0 is valid
1313487205 -> 110a[CMotorCall::makeInitialMotorRequest] target is not the local node.
1313487205 -> 110a[CMotorCall::makeInitialMotorRequest] nb contacts=1.
1313487205 -> 110a[CMotorCall::makeInitialMotorRequest] *pcszNameToFind : 89600xxxxxx
1313487205 -> [isUserDeclared] 89600xxxxxx@
1313487205 -> isUserDeclared] NOT found in the dictionnary.
1313487205 -> 110a[CMotorCall::makeInitialMotorRequest]-->extGw=0
1313487205 -> 110a[CMotorCall::makeInitialMotorRequest] contact : sip:89600xxxxxx@;user=phone
1313487205 -> 110a[CMotorCall::makeInitialMotorRequest] nb available licenses=25 .
1313487205 -> 110a[CMotorCall::makeInitialMotorRequest] license OK.
1313487205 -> 110a[CMotorCall::makeInitialMotorRequest] req_Uri_OK=0
1313487205 -> 110a[CMotorCall::makeInitialMotorRequest]-->pSipAddSpec->getHost()=
1313487205 -> 110a[CMotorCall::makeInitialMotorRequest] user= 89600xxxxxx
1313487205 -> [CGWMngDat a::isMainServer] CPU is MAIN.
1313487205 -> [CGWMngDat a::isMainServer] checkwith PCS = 0
1313487205 ->         [CMotorCall::makeInitialMotorRequest] count = 3.
1313487205 ->         [CMotorCall::makeInitialMotorRequest] service=0 0xbffff0d0.
1313487205 ->         [CMotorCall::makeInitialMotorRequest] service=1 0xbfffed70.
1313487205 ->         [CMotorCall::makeInitialMotorRequest] service=2 0xbfffe9ec.
1313487205 -> 110a [CCall::makeGenericRequest] INVITE
1313487205 -> 110a [CCall::getDialog] Confirmed Dialog is not found (ID = ;)
1313487205 -> 110a [CCall::getDialog] Initial Dialog Client not found
1313487205 -> 1512 [CDialog::createRequest]
1313487205 -> 1512 [CDialog::buildServicesForAllRequest]
1313487205 -> 1512 [CDialog::createInviteRequest]
1313487205 -> 211b [CTransaction::changeState] STATE CHANGED TO INITIAL
1313487205 -> 211b [CTransaction::changeState] notifying the parent dialog
1313487205 -> 1512 [CDialog::onTransactionState(pTrans = 211b, previousState = Terminated, currentState = Initial, reason = None]
1313487205 -> 22 [CRequest::CRequest] Creation of a request
1313487205 -> 22 [CMessage::send] sip_sendMessage (
1313487205 -> SEND MESSAGE TO NETWORK ( [UDP]) (BUFF LEN = 1069)
INVITE sip:89600xxxxxx@;user=phone SIP/2.0
Supported: timer,100rel
User-Agent: OmniPCX Enterprise R9.1 i1.605.25
Session-Expires: 1800;refresher=uac
Min-SE: 900
P-Asserted-Identity: "1931 Ivanov" <sip:1931@;user=phone>
Content-Type: application/sdp
To: <sip:89600xxxxxx@;user=phone>
From: "1931 Ivanov" <sip:1931@;user=phone>;tag=ba0a55cad0dd0622ff1ceb1967b26072
Contact: <sip:1931@;transport=UDP>
Call-ID: c6b85c2480d28b16c9196038fc4e0319@
CSeq: 1332328130 INVITE
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK7ac8636659e46a6e3aef5b59ab2708f5
Max-Forwards: 70
Content-Length: 335

o=OXE 1313487205 1313487205 IN IP4
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 32552 RTP/AVP 8 4 18 97
a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
a=rtpmap:4 G723/8000
a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000
a=fmtp:18 annexb=no
a=rtpmap:97 telephone-event/8000
1313487205 -> 211b [CTransInitialState::createRequest] Transaction changes to Calling state
1313487205 -> 211b [CTransaction::changeState] STATE CHANGED TO CALLING
1313487205 -> 211b [CTransaction::changeState] notifying the parent dialog
1313487205 -> 1512 [CDialog::onTransactionState(pTrans = 211b, previousState = Initial, currentState = Calling, reason = Request creation]
1313487205 -> 211b [CTransaction::startTimer] Timer A is started (delay = 500 ms)
1313487205 -> 211b [CTransaction::startTimer] Timer B is started (delay = 8000 ms)
1313487205 -> 1512 [CDialog::addTransaction] added transaction 211b with branch z9hG4bK7ac8636659e46a6e3aef5b59ab2708f5, with CSeq 1332328130
1313487205 -> [CSessionTimerContext::CSessionTimerContext] New CSessionTimerContext from request (Client, UA)
1313487205 -> [CSessionTimerContext::updateAfterRefreshCreation] Update CSessionTimerContext (refresh creation)
1313487205 -> [CSessionTimerContext::updateSupported] Request timer supported
1313487205 -> [CSessionTimerContext::updateMinSE] Min-SE updated : 900
1313487205 -> [CSessionTimerContext::updateSessionExpires] header value : 1800
1313487205 -> [CSessionTimerContext::updateSessionExpires] updated
1313487205 -> [CSessionTimerContext::updateSessionExpires] Refresher updated : i
1313487205 -> [CSessionTimerContext::updateSessionExpires] Session-Expires updated : 1800
1313487205 -> 110a[CMotorCall::makeInitialMotorRequest] nb contact=1.
1313487205 -> [CForkedBranch::CForkedBranch] context = 0x8476444.
1313487205 -> 110a[CMotorCall::branchAllocation] built branch number=1.
1313487205 -> 110a[CMotorCall::branchAllocation] pForkedBranch = 0x8477920.
1313487205 -> 110a[CMotorCall::makeInitialMotorRequest] reqUri duplication pForkedBranch = 0x8477920.
1313487205 -> 110a[CMotorCall::makeInitialMotorRequest] reqUri duplication2.
1313487205 -> [onIncomingEvent] CallID must be inserted.
1313487205 -> [onIncomingEvent] CallID inserted.
1313487205 -> [exec_ipc] in end 2368.
SIP/2.0 100 Trying
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK7ac8636659e46a6e3aef5b59ab2708f5
Call-ID: c6b85c2480d28b16c9196038fc4e0319@
CSeq: 1332328130 INVITE
From: "1931 Ivanov" <sip:1931@;user=phone>;tag=ba0a55cad0dd0622ff1ceb1967b26072
To: <sip:89600xxxxxx@;user=phone>;tag=top048944da
Contact: <sip:89600xxxxxx@>
Max-Forwards: 70
Content-Length: 0


1313487205 -> [CIOCom::receiveResponse] CResponse 2B ref=1
1313487205 -> [CDispatcher::onIncomingResponse]
1313487205 -> [CDispatcher::processResponseFromManagerIndex] start at index 0
1313487205 ->  102 [CCallManager::onIncomingResponse]
1313487205 -> 110a [CCall::receiveResponse] 100
1313487205 -> 110a [CCall::receiveResponse]Trying to find the right dialog
1313487205 -> 110a [CCall::getDialog] Confirmed Dialog is not found (ID = ba0a55cad0dd0622ff1ceb1967b26072;top048944da)
1313487205 -> 110a [CCall::getDialog] Returning Initial Dialog Client
1313487205 -> 110a [CCall::receiveResponse]One dialog found
1313487205 -> 1512 [CDialog::receiveResponse]
1313487205 -> 211b [CTransCallingState::receiveResponse] Provisional : Transaction changes to Proceeding state
1313487205 -> 211b [CTransaction::changeState] STATE CHANGED TO PROCEEDING
1313487205 -> 211b [CTransaction::changeState] notifying the parent dialog
1313487205 -> 1512 [CDialog::onTransactionState(pTrans = 211b, previousState = Calling, currentState = Proceeding, reason = 1xx response reception]
1313487205 -> 211b [CTransaction::freeTimerToken] Timer A is freed
1313487205 -> 211b [CTransaction::freeTimerToken] Timer B is freed
1313487205 -> 110a[CMotorCall::searchForkedBranch]pForkedBranch=0x8477920.
1313487205 -> [receiveInformationalMessage] Call: c6b85c2480d28b16c9196038fc4e0319@ eqt: 1717 PROCEEDING_STATE received a message.
SIP/2.0 183 Session Progress
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK7ac8636659e46a6e3aef5b59ab2708f5
Call-ID: c6b85c2480d28b16c9196038fc4e0319@
CSeq: 1332328130 INVITE
From: "1931 Ivanov" <sip:1931@;user=phone>;tag=ba0a55cad0dd0622ff1ceb1967b26072
To: <sip:89600xxxxxx@;user=phone>;tag=top048944da
Contact: <sip:89600xxxxxx@>
Max-Forwards: 70
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length: 139

o=root 30923 30923 IN IP4
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 32536 RTP/AVP 8
a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000

1313487208 -> [CIOCom::receiveResponse] CResponse 2C ref=1
1313487208 -> [CDispatcher::onIncomingResponse]
1313487208 -> [CDispatcher::processResponseFromManagerIndex] start at index 0
1313487208 ->  102 [CCallManager::onIncomingResponse]
1313487208 -> 110a [CCall::receiveResponse] 183
1313487208 -> 110a [CCall::receiveResponse]Trying to find the right dialog
1313487208 -> 110a [CCall::getDialog] Confirmed Dialog is not found (ID = ba0a55cad0dd0622ff1ceb1967b26072;top048944da)
1313487208 -> 110a [CCall::getDialog] Returning Initial Dialog Client
1313487208 -> 110a [CCall::receiveResponse]One dialog found
1313487208 -> 1512 [CDialog::receiveResponse]
1313487208 -> 2B [~CResponse] resp(100) c6b85c2480d28b16c9196038fc4e0319@ 1332328130 INVITE
1313487208 -> 1512 [CDialog::updateRouteSet] there are 0 record-route headers
1313487208 -> 110a[CMotorCall::searchForkedBranch]pForkedBranch=0x8477920.
1313487208 -> [receiveInformationalMessage] Call: c6b85c2480d28b16c9196038fc4e0319@ eqt: 1717 PROCEEDING_STATE received a message.
1313487208 -> [checkSdpValidity] Sdp contains 1 media description(s).
1313487208 -> [checkSdpValidity] Media 0 type 1 contains 1 formats.
1313487208 -> [checkSdpValidity] Format : 8.
1313487208 -> [convertSdpIntoTsdp] Sdp contains 1 media description(s).
1313487208 -> [convertSdpIntoTsdp] No Direction in the session part.
1313487208 -> [convertSdpIntoTsdp] Check the direction in Session part - result:0.
1313487208 -> [convertSdpIntoTsdp] The audio media contains 1 format(s).
1313487208 -> [convertSdpIntoTsdp] Format 0 is 8.
1313487208 -> [convertSdpIntoTsdp] Get the direction.
1313487208 -> [convertSdpIntoTsdp] Direction is sendrecv.
1313487208 -> [convertSdpIntoTsdp] The connection is at session level.
1313487208 -> [convertSdpIntoTsdp] Connection address retrieved in sdp:
1313487208 -> [convertIPStrIntoTuipv] =>
1313487208 -> 110a[emitEventToMonitel] content size (lginfo): 656
1313487208 -> 110a[emitEventToMonitel] CAC = 0 eqtCAC = -1
1313487208 -> 110a[emitEventToMonitel] CAC = 0
1313487208 -> [sendLgEvtSip] Event sent on eqt : 1717 Id :-1
1313487208 -> [display_ipc_out] ------------ Begin ---------------
1313487208 -> Id : -1
1313487208 -> INFORMATIONAL
1313487208 -> xx :       83
1313487208 -> Allow Update : 0
1313487208 -> SDP :
1313487208 ->   ADDRESS : :32536
1313487208 ->   ALGOS :
1313487208 ->     PCMA
1313487208 ->   DIRECTION : SEND & RECEIVE
1313487208 -> [display_ipc_out] ------------- End ----------------
1313487215 -> [exec_ipc] in 2368.
1313487215 -> [display_ipc_in] ------------ Begin ---------------
1313487215 -> neqt : 1717 Id : -1
1313487215 -> CANCEL
1313487215 -> [display_ipc_in] ------------- End ----------------
1313487215 -> [CMotorCallManager::onIncomingEvent] an event 10756 arrived on the eqt 1717--1.
1313487215 -> [CMotorCallManager::onIncomingEvent] state = PROCEEDING_STATE.
1313487215 -> [onIncomingEvent] CANCEL arrived.
1313487215 -> [receiveCancelEvent] Call: c6b85c2480d28b16c9196038fc4e0319@ eqt: 1717 PROCEEDING_STATE received an event.
1313487215 -> [receiveCancelEvent] incoming call.
1313487215 -> [isValidGwExt] ext gw 0 is valid
1313487215 -> 110a[CMotorCall ISDN ExtGW
1313487215 -> 110a[CMotorCall::makeFinalMotorRequest] nb contact=1 max=1 cancelled.
1313487215 -> 110a [CCall::makeGenericRequest] CANCEL
1313487215 -> 110a [CCall::getDialog] Confirmed Dialog is not found (ID = ba0a55cad0dd0622ff1ceb1967b26072;top048944da)
1313487215 -> 110a [CCall::getDialog] Returning Initial Dialog Client
1313487215 -> 1512 [CDialog::createRequest]
1313487215 -> 1512 [CDialog::buildServicesForAllRequest]
1313487215 -> 1512 [CDialog::createCancelRequest]
1313487215 -> 1512 [CDialog::createCancelRequest] Tansaction key z9hG4bK7ac8636659e46a6e3aef5b59ab2708f5
1313487215 -> 1512 [CDialog::createCancelRequest] pTransToCancel->isCancelable()=1
1313487215 -> 211c [CTransaction::changeState] STATE CHANGED TO INITIAL
1313487215 -> 211c [CTransaction::changeState] notifying the parent dialog
1313487215 -> 1512 [CDialog::onTransactionState(pTrans = 211c, previousState = Terminated, currentState = Initial, reason = None]
1313487215 -> 1512 [CDialog::buildServicesForCancel]
1313487215 -> 23 [CRequest::CRequest] Creation of a request
1313487215 -> 23 [CMessage::send] sip_sendMessage (
1313487215 -> SEND MESSAGE TO NETWORK ( [UDP]) (BUFF LEN = 458)
CANCEL sip:89600xxxxxx@;user=phone SIP/2.0
Supported: timer,100rel
User-Agent: OmniPCX Enterprise R9.1 i1.605.25
Call-ID: c6b85c2480d28b16c9196038fc4e0319@
To: <sip:89600xxxxxx@;user=phone>
CSeq: 1332328130 CANCEL
From: "1931 Ivanov" <sip:1931@;user=phone>;tag=ba0a55cad0dd0622ff1ceb1967b26072
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK7ac8636659e46a6e3aef5b59ab2708f5
Max-Forwards: 70
Content-Length: 0

1313487215 -> 211c [CTransInitialState::createRequest] Transaction changes to Trying state
1313487215 -> 211c [CTransaction::changeState] STATE CHANGED TO TRYING
1313487215 -> 211c [CTransaction::changeState] notifying the parent dialog
1313487215 -> 1512 [CDialog::onTransactionState(pTrans = 211c, previousState = Initial, currentState = Trying, reason = Request creation]
1313487215 -> 211c [CTransTryingState::enterInState] Init timers E and F
1313487215 -> 211c [CTransaction::startTimer] Timer E is started (delay = 500 ms)
1313487215 -> 211c [CTransaction::startTimer] Timer F is started (delay = 32000 ms)
1313487215 -> 211b [CTransaction::startTimer] Timer Q is started (delay = 32000 ms)
1313487215 -> [exec_ipc] in end 2368.
SIP/2.0 200 OK
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK7ac8636659e46a6e3aef5b59ab2708f5
Call-ID: c6b85c2480d28b16c9196038fc4e0319@
CSeq: 1332328130 CANCEL
From: "1931 Ivanov" <sip:1931@;user=phone>;tag=ba0a55cad0dd0622ff1ceb1967b26072
To: <sip:89600xxxxxx@;user=phone>
Contact: <sip:89600xxxxxx@>
Max-Forwards: 70
Content-Length: 0


1313487215 -> [CIOCom::receiveResponse] CResponse 2D ref=1
1313487215 -> [CDispatcher::onIncomingResponse]
1313487215 -> [CDispatcher::processResponseFromManagerIndex] start at index 0
1313487215 ->  102 [CCallManager::onIncomingResponse]
1313487215 -> 110a [CCall::receiveResponse] 200
1313487215 -> 110a [CCall::receiveResponse]Trying to find the right dialog
1313487215 -> 110a [CCall::getDialog] Confirmed Dialog is not found (ID = ba0a55cad0dd0622ff1ceb1967b26072;)
1313487215 -> 110a [CCall::getDialog] Returning Initial Dialog Client
1313487215 -> 110a [CCall::receiveResponse]One dialog found
1313487215 -> 1512 [CDialog::receiveResponse]
1313487215 -> 211c [CTransTryingState::receiveResponse] Final : Transaction changes to Completed state
1313487215 -> 211c [CTransaction::changeState] STATE CHANGED TO COMPLETED
1313487215 -> 211c [CTransaction::changeState] notifying the parent dialog
1313487215 -> 1512 [CDialog::onTransactionState(pTrans = 211c, previousState = Trying, currentState= Completed, reason = Final resp reception]
1313487215 -> 211c [CTransaction::freeTimerToken] Timer E is freed
1313487215 -> 211c [CTransaction::freeTimerToken] Timer F is freed
1313487215 -> 211c [CTransaction::startTimer] Timer K is started (delay = 5000 ms)
1313487215 -> 110a[CMotorCall::searchForkedBranch]pForkedBranch=0x8477920.
1313487215 -> 110a[CMotorCall::responseToInviteOrCancel] response to a CANCEL received.
1313487215 -> [receiveSuccessfulMessage] Call: c6b85c2480d28b16c9196038fc4e0319@ eqt: 1717 PROCEEDING_STATE received a message.
1313487215 -> 110a[emitEventToMonitel] content size (lginfo): 656
1313487215 -> 110a[emitEventToMonitel] CAC = 0 eqtCAC = -1
1313487215 -> 110a[emitEventToMonitel] CAC = 0
1313487215 -> [sendLgEvtSip] Event sent on eqt : 1717 Id :-1
1313487215 -> [display_ipc_out] ------------ Begin ---------------
1313487215 -> Id : -1
1313487215 -> SUCCESSFUL
1313487215 -> xx :        0
1313487215 -> CLIR : 0
1313487215 -> COLP : 0
1313487215 -> [display_ipc_out] ------------- End ----------------
SIP/2.0 487 Request Terminated
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK7ac8636659e46a6e3aef5b59ab2708f5
Call-ID: c6b85c2480d28b16c9196038fc4e0319@
CSeq: 1332328130 INVITE
From: "1931 Ivanov" <sip:1931@;user=phone>;tag=ba0a55cad0dd0622ff1ceb1967b26072
To: <sip:89600xxxxxx@;user=phone>;tag=top048944da
Contact: <sip:89600xxxxxx@>
Max-Forwards: 70
Content-Length: 0


1313487215 -> [CIOCom::receiveResponse] CResponse 2E ref=1
1313487215 -> [CDispatcher::onIncomingResponse]
1313487215 -> [CDispatcher::processResponseFromManagerIndex] start at index 0
1313487215 ->  102 [CCallManager::onIncomingResponse]
1313487215 -> 110a [CCall::receiveResponse] 487
1313487215 -> 110a [CCall::receiveResponse]Trying to find the right dialog
1313487215 -> 110a [CCall::getDialog] Confirmed Dialog is not found (ID = ba0a55cad0dd0622ff1ceb1967b26072;top048944da)
1313487215 -> 110a [CCall::getDialog] Returning Initial Dialog Client
1313487215 -> 110a [CCall::receiveResponse]One dialog found
1313487215 -> 1512 [CDialog::receiveResponse]
1313487215 -> 2C [~CResponse] resp(183) c6b85c2480d28b16c9196038fc4e0319@ 1332328130 INVITE
1313487215 -> 211b [CTransProceedingState::receiveResponse] Final : Transaction changes to Completed state
1313487215 -> 211b [CTransaction::changeState] STATE CHANGED TO COMPLETED
1313487215 -> 211b [CTransaction::changeState] notifying the parent dialog
1313487215 -> 1512 [CDialog::onTransactionState(pTrans = 211b, previousState = Proceeding, currentState = Completed, reason = Final resp reception]
1313487215 -> 211b [CTransaction::freeTimerToken] Timer L is freed
1313487215 -> 24 [CRequest::CRequest] Creation of a request
1313487215 -> 24 [CMessage::send] sip_sendMessage (
1313487215 -> SEND MESSAGE TO NETWORK ( [UDP]) (BUFF LEN = 378)
ACK sip:89600xxxxxx@;user=phone SIP/2.0
Call-ID: c6b85c2480d28b16c9196038fc4e0319@
From: "1931 Ivanov" <sip:1931@;user=phone>;tag=ba0a55cad0dd0622ff1ceb1967b26072
To: <sip:89600xxxxxx@;user=phone>;tag=top048944da
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK7ac8636659e46a6e3aef5b59ab2708f5
CSeq: 1332328130 ACK
Content-Length: 0

1313487215 -> 211b [CTransaction::startTimer] Timer D is started (delay = 32004 ms)
1313487215 -> 110a[CMotorCall::searchForkedBranch]pForkedBranch=0x8477920.
1313487215 ->         [CForkedBranch::setFinalResponse] pResponse=0x847b9f0.
1313487215 ->         [CForkedBranch::setFinalResponse] response=487.
1313487215 -> 110a[CMotorCall::responseToInviteOrCancel] no response to the CH m_cancelSent=1.
1313487215 -> 110a[CMotorCall::responseToInviteOrCancel] all responses are received 1.
1313487215 -> 110a[CMotorCall::responseToInviteOrCancel] call chooseBestResponse.
1313487215 -> 110a[CMotorCall::chooseBestResponse] pForkedBranch=0x8477920 iResponseCode=2000.
1313487215 ->         [CForkedBranch::getResponseCode] response=487.
1313487215 ->         [CForkedBranch::getResponseCode] response=487.
1313487215 -> 110a[CMotorCall::chooseBestResponse] last iResponseCode=487.
1313487215 ->         [CForkedBranch::setFinalResponse] pResponse=0x847b9f0.
1313487215 -> 110a[CMotorCall::chooseBestResponse] next branch.
1313487215 -> 110a[CMotorCall::responseToInviteOrCancel] inviteResponse => update the lastInviteContext.
1313487215 -> [receiveRequestFailureMessage] Call: c6b85c2480d28b16c9196038fc4e0319@ eqt:1717 PROCEEDING_STATE received a message.
1313487215 ->         [CForkedBranch::getResponseCode] response=487.
1313487215 ->         [CForkedBranch::getResponseCode] response=487.
1313487215 -> 110a[CMotorCall::isWaitingForResult] next branch.
1313487215 -> 110a[emitEventToMonitel] content size (lginfo): 656
1313487215 -> 110a[emitEventToMonitel] CAC = 0 eqtCAC = -1
1313487215 -> 110a[emitEventToMonitel] CAC = 0
1313487215 -> [sendLgEvtSip] Event sent on eqt : 1717 Id :-1
1313487215 -> [display_ipc_out] ------------ Begin ---------------
1313487215 -> Id : -1
1313487215 -> REQUEST FAILURE
1313487215 -> xx :       87
1313487215 -> [display_ipc_out] ------------- End ----------------
1313487217 -> [ipc_thread] IPC Thread : Ipc reception 2372.
1313487217 -> [ipc_thread] IPC Thread : TCL thread signaled.
1313487217 -> [exec_ipc] in 2368.
1313487217 -> [display_ipc_in] ------------ Begin ---------------
1313487217 -> neqt : 1717 Id : -1
1313487217 -> SIP EQT RELEASED
1313487217 -> [display_ipc_in] ------------- End ----------------
1313487217 -> [CMotorCallManager::onIncomingEvent] an event 10773 arrived on the eqt 1717--1.
1313487217 -> [CMotorCallManager::onIncomingEvent] The call with eqt: 1717 has released its equipment.
1313487217 -> 110a[CMotorCall::emitSipEqtReleaseAck] SIP_EQT_RELEASE_ACK
1313487217 -> 110a[emitEventToMonitel] content size (lginfo): 656
1313487217 -> 110a[emitEventToMonitel] CAC = 0 eqtCAC = -1
1313487217 -> 110a[emitEventToMonitel] CAC = 0
1313487217 -> [sendLgEvtSip] Event sent on eqt : 1717 Id :-1
1313487217 -> [display_ipc_out] ------------ Begin ---------------
1313487217 -> Id : -1
1313487217 -> UNKNOWN MESSAGE
1313487217 -> [display_ipc_out] ------------- End ----------------
1313487217 -> [CMotorCallManager::onIncomingEvent] state = TERMINATED_STATE.
1313487217 -> 110a[CMotorCall::unRegister] Remove eqt : 1717 diag : -1 from the map.
1313487217 -> [CMotorCallManager::eraseCallwithEqt] CMotorCall 1717 erased.
1313487217 -> [CMotorCallManager::onIncomingEvent] killSession.
1313487217 -> 110a [CCall::killSession]
1313487217 -> 211c [CTransaction::changeState] STATE CHANGED TO TERMINATED
1313487217 -> 211c [CTransaction::freeTimerToken] Timer K is freed
1313487217 -> 211c [CTransaction::changeState] no transaction state, terminated reason : None
1313487217 -> 211b [CTransaction::changeState] STATE CHANGED TO TERMINATED
1313487217 -> 211b [CTransaction::freeTimerToken] Timer D is freed
1313487217 -> 211b [CTransaction::changeState] no transaction state, terminated reason : None
1313487217 -> 110a [CCall::onKill Session Call manager close is called]
1313487217 -> 110a [CCall::killSession] notifying the call manager
1313487217 ->  102 [CCallManager::onCallClosed]
1313487217 ->  102 [CCallManager::onCallClosed()] Call 110a closed. Removing call 138895376 from the maps
1313487217 -> [CMotorCallManager::onNotifyCallClosed] Call : c6b85c2480d28b16c9196038fc4e0319@ is closed.
1313487217 -> [CMotorCallManager::onNotifyCallClosed] Call : c6b85c2480d28b16c9196038fc4e0319@ is closed.
1313487217 -> [CMotorCallManager::onNotifyCallClosed] Remove eqt from the map.
1313487217 -> [CCall::onKill] se t callmanager to null
1313487217 -> [exec_ipc] in end 2368.
1313487217 -> INCMNGT:get_one_instance dom=0
1313487217 -> [CTransaction::notifyDialog]
1313487217 -> [CTransaction::notifyDialog] notify parent dialog
1313487217 -> 1512 [CDialog::onTransactionState(pTrans = 211c, previousState = null, currentState =Terminated, reason = None]
1313487217 -> 211C [~CTransaction] transaction 1332328130 CANCEL
1313487217 -> 2D [~CResponse] resp(200) c6b85c2480d28b16c9196038fc4e0319@ 1332328130 CANCEL
1313487217 -> [CTransaction::notifyDialog]
1313487217 -> [CTransaction::notifyDialog] notify parent dialog
1313487217 -> 1512 [CDialog::onTransactionState(pTrans = 211b, previousState = null, currentState =Terminated, reason = None]
1313487217 -> 1512 [CDialog::onTransactionState] dialog is terminated
1313487217 -> 1512 [CDialog::onTransactionState] onDialogClosed
1313487217 -> 110a [CCall::onDialogClosed]
1313487217 -> 110a [CCall::onDialogClosed] only initial *********
1313487217 -> 110a [CCall::onDialogClosed] All the initial dialogs in the Call are closed
1313487217 -> 211B [~CTransaction] transaction 1332328130 INVITE
1313487217 -> 24 [~CRequest] req c6b85c2480d28b16c9196038fc4e0319@ 1332328130 ACK
1313487218 ->  102 [CCallManager::removeGarbage] at index i = 0
1313487218 -> 110a[CMotorCall::~CMotorCall] Call : c6b85c2480d28b16c9196038fc4e0319@ is being destructed.
1313487218 -> 2E [~CResponse] resp(487) c6b85c2480d28b16c9196038fc4e0319@ 1332328130 INVITE
1313487218 -> 110a [CCall::~CCall]
1313487218 -> 110a [CCall::removeGarbage]
1313487218 -> 1512 [CDialog::~CDialog]
1313487218 -> [CSessionTimerContext::~CSessionTimerContext] Free CSessionTimerContext
1313487218 -> 23 [~CRequest] req c6b85c2480d28b16c9196038fc4e0319@ 1332328130 CANCEL
1313487218 -> 22 [~CRequest] req c6b85c2480d28b16c9196038fc4e0319@ 1332328130 INVITE
1313487219 -> cl_daCalendar::dayOfWeek

Пути IP-пакета неисповедимы
трасса PRI

с номера 557xxxx звоним на номер 557XXXX

mtracer started ...
(010986:000001) MTRACER host (, xb000000), version: R9.1-i1.605-25-b-ru-c6s2
(010986:000001) MTRACER num: 004, time: 2011/08/16 13:34:28, loss: 0%
| (011005:000002) 1912: Send_IO1 (link-nbr=26, sapi=0, tei=0) :
| long: 49  desti: 0  source: 15  cryst: 0  cpl: 26  us: 8  term: 1  type a5
| tei: 0  <<<<  message sent : SETUP [05] Call ref : 00 0c
| IE:[04] BEARER_CAPABILITY (l=3) 80 90 a3
| IE:[6c] CALLING_NUMBER (l=9) -> 41 81 Num : 557xxxx
| IE:[70] CALLED_NUMBER (l=8) -> c1 Num : 557XXXX
| IE:[7d] HLC (l=2) 91 81
| [a1] Sending complete

| (011008:000003) Concatenated-Physical-Event :
| long: 23  desti: 0  source: 0  cryst: 0  cpl: 26  us: 0  term: 1  type a5
| tei: 0  >>>>  message received : CALL PROC (02)  Call ref :  80 0c
| IE:[18] CHANNEL (l=3) a9 83 9a -> T2 : B channel 26 exclusive

| (011012:000004) Concatenated-Physical-Event :
| long: 57  desti: 0  source: 0  cryst: 0  cpl: 26  us: 0  term: 1  type a5
| tei: 0  >>>>  message received : SETUP [05] Call ref : 00 4d
| IE:[04] BEARER_CAPABILITY (l=3) 80 90 a3
| IE:[18] CHANNEL (l=3) a9 83 81 -> T2 : B channel 1 exclusive
| IE:[6c] CALLING_NUMBER (l=12) -> 21 81 Num : 843557xxxx
| IE:[70] CALLED_NUMBER (l=8) -> 81 Num : 557XXXX
| IE:[7d] HLC (l=2) 91 81

| (011012:000005) 1912: Send_IO1 (link-nbr=26, sapi=0, tei=0) :
| long: 23  desti: 0  source: 15  cryst: 0  cpl: 26  us: 8  term: 1  type a5
| tei: 0  <<<<  message sent : CALL PROC (02)  Call ref :  80 4d
| IE:[18] CHANNEL (l=3) a9 83 81 -> T2 : B channel 1 exclusive

| (011012:000006) 1912: Send_IO1 (link-nbr=26, sapi=0, tei=0) :
| long: 22  desti: 0  source: 15  cryst: 0  cpl: 26  us: 8  term: 1  type a5
| tei: 0  <<<<  message sent : PROGRESS (03)  Call ref :  80 4d
| IE:[1e] PROGRESS_ID (l=2) 81 88

| (011115:000016) Concatenated-Physical-Event :
| long: 25  desti: 0  source: 0  cryst: 0  cpl: 26  us: 0  term: 1  type a5
| tei: 0  >>>>  message received : DISCONNECT [45] Call ref : 00 4d
| IE:[08] CAUSE (l=5) 82 e6 33 31 30 -> [e6] RECOVERY ON TIMER EXPIRY

| (011115:000017) 1912: Send_IO1 (link-nbr=26, sapi=0, tei=0) :
| long: 22  desti: 0  source: 15  cryst: 0  cpl: 26  us: 8  term: 1  type a5
| tei: 0  <<<<  message sent : RELEASE [4d] Call ref : 80 4d
| IE:[08] CAUSE (l=2) 81 90 -> [90] NORMAL CALL CLEARING

| (011115:000018) Concatenated-Physical-Event :
| long: 26  desti: 0  source: 0  cryst: 0  cpl: 26  us: 0  term: 1  type a5
| tei: 0  >>>>  message received : DISCONNECT [45] Call ref : 80 0c
| IE:[08] CAUSE (l=2) 82 92 -> [92] NO USER RESPONDING
| IE:[1e] PROGRESS_ID (l=2) 82 88

| (011115:000019) 1912: Send_IO1 (link-nbr=26, sapi=0, tei=0) :
| long: 22  desti: 0  source: 15  cryst: 0  cpl: 26  us: 8  term: 1  type a5
| tei: 0  <<<<  message sent : RELEASE [4d] Call ref : 00 0c
| IE:[08] CAUSE (l=2) 81 90 -> [90] NORMAL CALL CLEARING

| (011116:000020) Concatenated-Physical-Event :
| long: 18  desti: 0  source: 0  cryst: 0  cpl: 26  us: 0  term: 1  type a5
| tei: 0  >>>>  message received : REL COMP [5a] Call ref : 00 4d

| (011116:000021) Concatenated-Physical-Event :
| long: 18  desti: 0  source: 0  cryst: 0  cpl: 26  us: 0  term: 1  type a5
| tei: 0  >>>>  message received : REL COMP [5a] Call ref : 80 0c

Пути IP-пакета неисповедимы
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