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Проблема при звонке по PRI на занятого абонента, вызывающий не получает занятость
Имеется связка: Meridian 11c - PRI - OXE - PRI - NEAX2400. Из OXE еще 4 потока в город. Т.е., абоненты Меридиана и Нека ходят в город через Алкатель. Выяснилась проблемка: при звонке на занятого городского абонента (или на внутреннего через город) вызывающий слышит коротенький "пик" и тишину. ОХЕ кристалл, R6.1.1-f2.502-5-ru-c7.
Трасса проблемного звонка с номера 592199 (Меридиан) на занятый номер 592210 (Нек) через город. Путь: Меридиан - Алкатель - город - Алкатель - Нек.
| (352938:747271) Physical-Event :
| long: 53  desti: 0  source: 0  cryst: 0  cpl: 11  us: 0  term: 1  type a5
| tei: 0  >>>>  message received : SETUP [05] Call ref : 2f 38
| IE:[04] BEARER_CAPABILITY (l=3) 80 90 a3
| IE:[18] CHANNEL (l=3) a9 83 9f -> T2 : B channel 31 exclusive
| IE:[1e] PROGRESS_ID (l=2) 81 83
| IE:[6c] CALLING_NUMBER (l=8) -> 41 80 Num : 592199
| IE:[70] CALLED_NUMBER (l=8) -> c1 Num : 9592210
| [a1] Sending complete

| (352938:747272) 1030: Send_IO1 (link-nbr=11, sapi=0, tei=0) :
| long: 23  desti: 0  source: 15  cryst: 0  cpl: 11  us: 8  term: 1  type a5
| tei: 0  <<<<  message sent : CALL PROC (02)  Call ref :  af 38
| IE:[18] CHANNEL (l=3) a9 83 9f -> T2 : B channel 31 exclusive

| (352938:747273) 1030: Send_IO1 (link-nbr=22, sapi=0, tei=0) :
| long: 46  desti: 0  source: 15  cryst: 0  cpl: 22  us: 8  term: 0  type a5
| tei: 0  <<<<  message sent : SETUP [05] Call ref : 44 26
| IE:[04] BEARER_CAPABILITY (l=3) 80 90 a3
| IE:[1e] PROGRESS_ID (l=2) 80 83
| IE:[6c] CALLING_NUMBER (l=8) -> 41 81 Num : 592199
| IE:[70] CALLED_NUMBER (l=7) -> c1 Num : 592210

| (352939:747274) Physical-Event :
| long: 23  desti: 0  source: 0  cryst: 0  cpl: 22  us: 0  term: 0  type a5
| tei: 0  >>>>  message received : CALL PROC (02)  Call ref :  c4 26
| IE:[18] CHANNEL (l=3) a9 83 81 -> T2 : B channel 1 exclusive

| (352939:747275) Physical-Event :
| long: 54  desti: 0  source: 0  cryst: 0  cpl: 17  us: 0  term: 0  type a5
| tei: 0  >>>>  message received : SETUP [05] Call ref : 00 21
| IE:[04] BEARER_CAPABILITY (l=3) 80 90 a3
| IE:[18] CHANNEL (l=3) a1 83 82 -> T2 : B channel 2 preferred
| IE:[1e] PROGRESS_ID (l=2) 80 83
| IE:[6c] CALLING_NUMBER (l=12) -> 21 81 Num : 8112592199
| IE:[70] CALLED_NUMBER (l=5) -> c1 Num : 2210

| (352939:747276) 1030: Send_IO1 (link-nbr=17, sapi=0, tei=0) :
| long: 23  desti: 0  source: 15  cryst: 0  cpl: 17  us: 8  term: 0  type a5
| tei: 0  <<<<  message sent : CALL PROC (02)  Call ref :  80 21
| IE:[18] CHANNEL (l=3) a9 83 82 -> T2 : B channel 2 exclusive

| (352939:747277) 1030: Send_IO1 (link-nbr=0, sapi=0, tei=0) :
| long: 54  desti: 0  source: 15  cryst: 0  cpl: 0  us: 8  term: 0  type a5
| tei: 0  <<<<  message sent : SETUP [05] Call ref : 38 c1
| IE:[04] BEARER_CAPABILITY (l=3) 80 90 a3
| IE:[18] CHANNEL (l=3) a9 83 8d -> T2 : B channel 13 exclusive
| IE:[1e] PROGRESS_ID (l=2) 80 83
| IE:[6c] CALLING_NUMBER (l=12) -> 00 81 Num : 8112592199
| IE:[70] CALLED_NUMBER (l=5) -> 80 Num : 2210
| [a1] Sending complete

| (352940:747279) Physical-Event :
| long: 22  desti: 0  source: 0  cryst: 0  cpl: 0  us: 0  term: 0  type a5
| tei: 0  >>>>  message received : REL COMP [5a] Call ref : b8 c1
| IE:[08] CAUSE (l=2) 81 91 -> [91] USER BUSY

| (352940:747280) 1025: Send_IO1 (link-nbr=17, sapi=0, tei=0) :
| long: 22  desti: 0  source: 15  cryst: 0  cpl: 17  us: 8  term: 0  type a5
| tei: 0  <<<<  message sent : DISCONNECT [45] Call ref : 80 21
| IE:[08] CAUSE (l=2) 81 9b -> [9b] DESTINATION OUT OF ORDER

| (352940:747281) Physical-Event :
| long: 18  desti: 0  source: 0  cryst: 0  cpl: 17  us: 0  term: 0  type a5
| tei: 0  >>>>  message received : RELEASE [4d] Call ref : 00 21

| (352940:747282) 1025: Send_IO1 (link-nbr=17, sapi=0, tei=0) :
| long: 22  desti: 0  source: 15  cryst: 0  cpl: 17  us: 8  term: 0  type a5
| tei: 0  <<<<  message sent : REL COMP [5a] Call ref : 80 21
| IE:[08] CAUSE (l=2) 81 90 -> [90] NORMAL CALL CLEARING

| (352940:747283) Physical-Event :
| long: 26  desti: 0  source: 0  cryst: 0  cpl: 22  us: 0  term: 0  type a5
| tei: 0  >>>>  message received : DISCONNECT [45] Call ref : c4 26
| IE:[08] CAUSE (l=2) 80 9f -> [9f] NORMAL, UNSPECIFIED
| IE:[1e] PROGRESS_ID (l=2) 82 88

| (352940:747284) 1030: Send_IO1 (link-nbr=11, sapi=0, tei=0) :
| long: 26  desti: 0  source: 15  cryst: 0  cpl: 11  us: 8  term: 1  type a5
| tei: 0  <<<<  message sent : DISCONNECT [45] Call ref : af 38
| IE:[08] CAUSE (l=2) 81 9f -> [9f] NORMAL, UNSPECIFIED
| IE:[1e] PROGRESS_ID (l=2) 82 88

| (352940:747285) 1025: Send_IO1 (link-nbr=22, sapi=0, tei=0) :
| long: 22  desti: 0  source: 15  cryst: 0  cpl: 22  us: 8  term: 0  type a5
| tei: 0  <<<<  message sent : RELEASE [4d] Call ref : 44 26
| IE:[08] CAUSE (l=2) 81 90 -> [90] NORMAL CALL CLEARING

| (352941:747286) Physical-Event :
| long: 18  desti: 0  source: 0  cryst: 0  cpl: 22  us: 0  term: 0  type a5
| tei: 0  >>>>  message received : REL COMP [5a] Call ref : c4 26

Можно ли это как-то исправить?
позвоните с сотового на номер 8112592199 и полученную трассировку приложите
Пути IP-пакета неисповедимы
error пишет:
позвоните с сотового на номер 8112592199 и полученную трассировку приложите
с сотового на свободный 8112592199
| (152010:833129) Physical-Event :
| long: 50  desti: 0  source: 0  cryst: 0  cpl: 17  us: 0  term: 0  type a5
| tei: 0  >>>>  message received : SETUP [05] Call ref : 00 46
| IE:[04] BEARER_CAPABILITY (l=3) 80 90 a3
| IE:[18] CHANNEL (l=3) a1 83 84 -> T2 : B channel 4 preferred
| IE:[6c] CALLING_NUMBER (l=12) -> 21 83 Num : 9113650852
| IE:[70] CALLED_NUMBER (l=5) -> a1 Num : 2199

| (152010:833130) 1026: Send_IO1 (link-nbr=17, sapi=0, tei=0) :
| long: 23  desti: 0  source: 15  cryst: 0  cpl: 17  us: 8  term: 0  type a5
| tei: 0  <<<<  message sent : CALL PROC (02)  Call ref :  80 46
| IE:[18] CHANNEL (l=3) a9 83 84 -> T2 : B channel 4 exclusive

| (152010:833131) 1026: Send_IO1 (link-nbr=11, sapi=0, tei=0) :
| long: 50  desti: 0  source: 15  cryst: 0  cpl: 11  us: 8  term: 1  type a5
| tei: 0  <<<<  message sent : SETUP [05] Call ref : 7d 7d
| IE:[04] BEARER_CAPABILITY (l=3) 80 90 a3
| IE:[18] CHANNEL (l=3) a9 83 93 -> T2 : B channel 19 exclusive
| IE:[6c] CALLING_NUMBER (l=12) -> 21 81 Num : 9113650852
| IE:[70] CALLED_NUMBER (l=5) -> 80 Num : 2199
| [a1] Sending complete

| (152011:833132) Physical-Event :
| long: 23  desti: 0  source: 0  cryst: 0  cpl: 11  us: 0  term: 1  type a5
| tei: 0  >>>>  message received : CALL PROC (02)  Call ref :  fd 7d
| IE:[18] CHANNEL (l=3) a9 83 93 -> T2 : B channel 19 exclusive

| (152011:833133) Physical-Event :
| long: 22  desti: 0  source: 0  cryst: 0  cpl: 11  us: 0  term: 1  type a5
| tei: 0  >>>>  message received : ALERT (01)  Call ref :  fd 7d
| IE:[1e] PROGRESS_ID (l=2) 81 82

| (152011:833134) 1026: Send_IO1 (link-nbr=17, sapi=0, tei=0) :
| long: 22  desti: 0  source: 15  cryst: 0  cpl: 17  us: 8  term: 0  type a5
| tei: 0  <<<<  message sent : ALERT (01)  Call ref :  80 46
| IE:[1e] PROGRESS_ID (l=2) 80 82

| (152034:833142) Physical-Event :
| long: 30  desti: 0  source: 0  cryst: 0  cpl: 11  us: 0  term: 1  type a5
| tei: 0  >>>>  message received : CONNECT (07)  Call ref :  fd 7d
| IE:[1e] PROGRESS_ID (l=2) 81 82
| IE:[4c] CONNECTED_NUMBER (l=6) -> 00 80 Num : 2199

| (152034:833143) 1026: Send_IO1 (link-nbr=11, sapi=0, tei=0) :
| long: 23  desti: 0  source: 15  cryst: 0  cpl: 11  us: 8  term: 1  type a5
| tei: 0  <<<<  message sent : CONNECT ACK (0f)  Call ref :  7d 7d
| IE:[18] CHANNEL (l=3) a9 83 93 -> T2 : B channel 19 exclusive

| (152034:833144) 1026: Send_IO1 (link-nbr=17, sapi=0, tei=0) :
| long: 30  desti: 0  source: 15  cryst: 0  cpl: 17  us: 8  term: 0  type a5
| tei: 0  <<<<  message sent : CONNECT (07)  Call ref :  80 46
| IE:[1e] PROGRESS_ID (l=2) 80 82
| IE:[4c] CONNECTED_NUMBER (l=6) -> 00 80 Num : 2199

| (152035:833150) Physical-Event :
| long: 18  desti: 0  source: 0  cryst: 0  cpl: 17  us: 0  term: 0  type a5
| tei: 0  >>>>  message received : CONNECT ACK (0f)  Call ref :  00 46

| (152041:833156) Physical-Event :
| long: 22  desti: 0  source: 0  cryst: 0  cpl: 11  us: 0  term: 1  type a5
| tei: 0  >>>>  message received : DISCONNECT [45] Call ref : fd 7d
| IE:[08] CAUSE (l=2) 81 90 -> [90] NORMAL CALL CLEARING

| (152041:833157) 1026: Send_IO1 (link-nbr=17, sapi=0, tei=0) :
| long: 26  desti: 0  source: 15  cryst: 0  cpl: 17  us: 8  term: 0  type a5
| tei: 0  <<<<  message sent : DISCONNECT [45] Call ref : 80 46
| IE:[08] CAUSE (l=2) 81 90 -> [90] NORMAL CALL CLEARING
| IE:[1e] PROGRESS_ID (l=2) 81 82

| (152042:833158) Physical-Event :
| long: 22  desti: 0  source: 0  cryst: 0  cpl: 17  us: 0  term: 0  type a5
| tei: 0  >>>>  message received : RELEASE [4d] Call ref : 00 46
| IE:[08] CAUSE (l=2) 82 9f -> [9f] NORMAL, UNSPECIFIED

| (152042:833159) 1026: Send_IO1 (link-nbr=17, sapi=0, tei=0) :
| long: 22  desti: 0  source: 15  cryst: 0  cpl: 17  us: 8  term: 0  type a5
| tei: 0  <<<<  message sent : REL COMP [5a] Call ref : 80 46
| IE:[08] CAUSE (l=2) 81 90 -> [90] NORMAL CALL CLEARING

| (152042:833160) 1026: Send_IO1 (link-nbr=11, sapi=0, tei=0) :
| long: 22  desti: 0  source: 15  cryst: 0  cpl: 11  us: 8  term: 1  type a5
| tei: 0  <<<<  message sent : RELEASE [4d] Call ref : 7d 7d
| IE:[08] CAUSE (l=2) 81 90 -> [90] NORMAL CALL CLEARING

| (152042:833161) Physical-Event :
| long: 18  desti: 0  source: 0  cryst: 0  cpl: 11  us: 0  term: 1  type a5
| tei: 0  >>>>  message received : REL COMP [5a] Call ref : fd 7d

с сотового на свободный 8112592210
| (152743:833562) Physical-Event :
| long: 50  desti: 0  source: 0  cryst: 0  cpl: 17  us: 0  term: 0  type a5
| tei: 0  >>>>  message received : SETUP [05] Call ref : 00 4f
| IE:[04] BEARER_CAPABILITY (l=3) 80 90 a3
| IE:[18] CHANNEL (l=3) a1 83 89 -> T2 : B channel 9 preferred
| IE:[6c] CALLING_NUMBER (l=12) -> 21 83 Num : 9113650852
| IE:[70] CALLED_NUMBER (l=5) -> a1 Num : 2210

| (152743:833563) 1026: Send_IO1 (link-nbr=17, sapi=0, tei=0) :
| long: 23  desti: 0  source: 15  cryst: 0  cpl: 17  us: 8  term: 0  type a5
| tei: 0  <<<<  message sent : CALL PROC (02)  Call ref :  80 4f
| IE:[18] CHANNEL (l=3) a9 83 89 -> T2 : B channel 9 exclusive

| (152743:833564) 1026: Send_IO1 (link-nbr=0, sapi=0, tei=0) :
| long: 50  desti: 0  source: 15  cryst: 0  cpl: 0  us: 8  term: 1  type a5
| tei: 0  <<<<  message sent : SETUP [05] Call ref : 38 3e
| IE:[04] BEARER_CAPABILITY (l=3) 80 90 a3
| IE:[18] CHANNEL (l=3) a9 83 98 -> T2 : B channel 24 exclusive
| IE:[6c] CALLING_NUMBER (l=12) -> 00 81 Num : 9113650852
| IE:[70] CALLED_NUMBER (l=5) -> 80 Num : 2210
| [a1] Sending complete

| (152743:833565) Physical-Event :
| long: 23  desti: 0  source: 0  cryst: 0  cpl: 0  us: 0  term: 1  type a5
| tei: 0  >>>>  message received : CALL PROC (02)  Call ref :  b8 3e
| IE:[18] CHANNEL (l=3) a9 83 98 -> T2 : B channel 24 exclusive

| (152743:833566) Physical-Event :
| long: 27  desti: 0  source: 0  cryst: 0  cpl: 0  us: 0  term: 1  type a5
| tei: 0  >>>>  message received : ALERT (01)  Call ref :  b8 3e
| IE:[18] CHANNEL (l=3) a9 83 98 -> T2 : B channel 24 exclusive
| IE:[1e] PROGRESS_ID (l=2) 81 82

| (152743:833567) 1026: Send_IO1 (link-nbr=17, sapi=0, tei=0) :
| long: 22  desti: 0  source: 15  cryst: 0  cpl: 17  us: 8  term: 0  type a5
| tei: 0  <<<<  message sent : ALERT (01)  Call ref :  80 4f
| IE:[1e] PROGRESS_ID (l=2) 80 82

| (152768:833568) Physical-Event :
| long: 27  desti: 0  source: 0  cryst: 0  cpl: 0  us: 0  term: 1  type a5
| tei: 0  >>>>  message received : CONNECT (07)  Call ref :  b8 3e
| IE:[18] CHANNEL (l=3) a9 83 98 -> T2 : B channel 24 exclusive
| IE:[1e] PROGRESS_ID (l=2) 81 82

| (152768:833569) 1026: Send_IO1 (link-nbr=0, sapi=0, tei=0) :
| long: 23  desti: 0  source: 15  cryst: 0  cpl: 0  us: 8  term: 1  type a5
| tei: 0  <<<<  message sent : CONNECT ACK (0f)  Call ref :  38 3e
| IE:[18] CHANNEL (l=3) a9 83 98 -> T2 : B channel 24 exclusive

| (152768:833570) 1026: Send_IO1 (link-nbr=17, sapi=0, tei=0) :
| long: 22  desti: 0  source: 15  cryst: 0  cpl: 17  us: 8  term: 0  type a5
| tei: 0  <<<<  message sent : CONNECT (07)  Call ref :  80 4f
| IE:[1e] PROGRESS_ID (l=2) 80 82

| (152768:833571) Physical-Event :
| long: 18  desti: 0  source: 0  cryst: 0  cpl: 17  us: 0  term: 0  type a5
| tei: 0  >>>>  message received : CONNECT ACK (0f)  Call ref :  00 4f

| (152774:833578) Physical-Event :
| long: 22  desti: 0  source: 0  cryst: 0  cpl: 0  us: 0  term: 1  type a5
| tei: 0  >>>>  message received : DISCONNECT [45] Call ref : b8 3e
| IE:[08] CAUSE (l=2) 81 90 -> [90] NORMAL CALL CLEARING

| (152774:833579) 1026: Send_IO1 (link-nbr=17, sapi=0, tei=0) :
| long: 26  desti: 0  source: 15  cryst: 0  cpl: 17  us: 8  term: 0  type a5
| tei: 0  <<<<  message sent : DISCONNECT [45] Call ref : 80 4f
| IE:[08] CAUSE (l=2) 81 90 -> [90] NORMAL CALL CLEARING
| IE:[1e] PROGRESS_ID (l=2) 81 82

| (152774:833580) Physical-Event :
| long: 22  desti: 0  source: 0  cryst: 0  cpl: 17  us: 0  term: 0  type a5
| tei: 0  >>>>  message received : RELEASE [4d] Call ref : 00 4f
| IE:[08] CAUSE (l=2) 82 9f -> [9f] NORMAL, UNSPECIFIED

| (152774:833581) 1026: Send_IO1 (link-nbr=17, sapi=0, tei=0) :
| long: 22  desti: 0  source: 15  cryst: 0  cpl: 17  us: 8  term: 0  type a5
| tei: 0  <<<<  message sent : REL COMP [5a] Call ref : 80 4f
| IE:[08] CAUSE (l=2) 81 90 -> [90] NORMAL CALL CLEARING

| (152774:833582) 1026: Send_IO1 (link-nbr=0, sapi=0, tei=0) :
| long: 22  desti: 0  source: 15  cryst: 0  cpl: 0  us: 8  term: 1  type a5
| tei: 0  <<<<  message sent : RELEASE [4d] Call ref : 38 3e
| IE:[08] CAUSE (l=2) 81 90 -> [90] NORMAL CALL CLEARING

| (152775:833583) Physical-Event :
| long: 22  desti: 0  source: 0  cryst: 0  cpl: 0  us: 0  term: 1  type a5
| tei: 0  >>>>  message received : REL COMP [5a] Call ref : b8 3e
| IE:[08] CAUSE (l=2) 81 90 -> [90] NORMAL CALL CLEARING

с сотового на занятый 8112592210
| (153185:833691) Physical-Event :
| long: 50  desti: 0  source: 0  cryst: 0  cpl: 17  us: 0  term: 0  type a5
| tei: 0  >>>>  message received : SETUP [05] Call ref : 00 52
| IE:[04] BEARER_CAPABILITY (l=3) 80 90 a3
| IE:[18] CHANNEL (l=3) a1 83 83 -> T2 : B channel 3 preferred
| IE:[6c] CALLING_NUMBER (l=12) -> 21 83 Num : 9113650852
| IE:[70] CALLED_NUMBER (l=5) -> a1 Num : 2210

| (153185:833692) 1026: Send_IO1 (link-nbr=17, sapi=0, tei=0) :
| long: 23  desti: 0  source: 15  cryst: 0  cpl: 17  us: 8  term: 0  type a5
| tei: 0  <<<<  message sent : CALL PROC (02)  Call ref :  80 52
| IE:[18] CHANNEL (l=3) a9 83 83 -> T2 : B channel 3 exclusive

| (153185:833693) 1026: Send_IO1 (link-nbr=0, sapi=0, tei=0) :
| long: 50  desti: 0  source: 15  cryst: 0  cpl: 0  us: 8  term: 0  type a5
| tei: 0  <<<<  message sent : SETUP [05] Call ref : 3b e4
| IE:[04] BEARER_CAPABILITY (l=3) 80 90 a3
| IE:[18] CHANNEL (l=3) a9 83 96 -> T2 : B channel 22 exclusive
| IE:[6c] CALLING_NUMBER (l=12) -> 00 81 Num : 9113650852
| IE:[70] CALLED_NUMBER (l=5) -> 80 Num : 2210
| [a1] Sending complete

| (153186:833694) Physical-Event :
| long: 22  desti: 0  source: 0  cryst: 0  cpl: 0  us: 0  term: 0  type a5
| tei: 0  >>>>  message received : REL COMP [5a] Call ref : bb e4
| IE:[08] CAUSE (l=2) 81 91 -> [91] USER BUSY

| (153186:833695) 1030: Send_IO1 (link-nbr=17, sapi=0, tei=0) :
| long: 22  desti: 0  source: 15  cryst: 0  cpl: 17  us: 8  term: 0  type a5
| tei: 0  <<<<  message sent : DISCONNECT [45] Call ref : 80 52
| IE:[08] CAUSE (l=2) 81 9b -> [9b] DESTINATION OUT OF ORDER

| (153187:833696) Physical-Event :
| long: 18  desti: 0  source: 0  cryst: 0  cpl: 17  us: 0  term: 0  type a5
| tei: 0  >>>>  message received : RELEASE [4d] Call ref : 00 52

| (153187:833697) 1030: Send_IO1 (link-nbr=17, sapi=0, tei=0) :
| long: 22  desti: 0  source: 15  cryst: 0  cpl: 17  us: 8  term: 0  type a5
| tei: 0  <<<<  message sent : REL COMP [5a] Call ref : 80 52
| IE:[08] CAUSE (l=2) 81 90 -> [90] NORMAL CALL CLEARING
уровняйте тип формата номера на TG которая идет на нэк2400 (плата 0-8-0)
в TG есть NPD (TG->TGs->NPD), вот в нем и есть формат номера (translator->ext.num plan -> NPD)
так же на нэк2400 привести формат номера на pri к эдиному знаменателю т.е. если national то везде должно быть одно и тоже
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