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The Perm Printing Factory GOZNAK, the leader of printing industry in Russia was among the first (1998) to use the portable technology network with DECT standard in the Ural region. The technical design, equipment installation and setting the DECT network into operation were executed by INTERSYST.

In 2002 the telecommunication factory system was modernized and extended by INTERSYST, new services were added. In 2005 the mobile network with DECT standard was extremely reorganized with the change of the whole network structure. Nowadays the portable telecommunication factory system is the one of the most powerful.

In 2006-2009 several steps of the telecommunication system upgrade was realized by INTERSYST technical specialists with the launching of the latest software release.

In 2010 INTERSYST supplied the enterprise communication system with comprehensive terminal equipment based on the Alcatel-Lucent and Siemens production.