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Telecommunication Agency (ATel) provides telecom services for the companies of Perm Group of Finance and Industry. In 1998 INTERSYST constructed the private VoIP network based on Alcatel equipment (including SDH standard and GigaEthernet). Now the network meets the requirements of the strictest business-partners.

In 2002 INTERSYST specialists upgraded and expanded the network geographically and quantitatively (the number of the network nodes and the network capacity were significantly increased).

In 2003 the network extension covered Perm Group of Finance and Industry affiliated companies located in Moscow. IP-technologies based on Alcatel OmniPCX 4400 telecom servers were widely adopted in new network segments.

At the end of 2009 there were over 45 nodes, over 6000 ports, over 800 DECT subscribers in the network. The network architecture became hybrid and included both Alcatel equipment (OmniPCX 4400 and OmniPCX Enterprise telecom servers), Lucent Technologies (TDM MCC), UMUX (STM MCC) and Cisco equipment (IP MCC).

A specialist of VYMPELCOM Company got education in the INTERSYST Training Center in 2010. The same year INTERSYST delivered station equipment for the Customer’s needs.